15 Fast Facts You Should Know About Alkaline Water

If you are someone who follows diet trends, you must have heard amazing things about alkaline water. There are many theories around, and some believe that alkaline water, often called ionized water, is a great alternative and a better choice to top water. In this post, we are talking about 15 quick facts about using ionized water and things that you should know.

1. Every substance is either acidic or alkaline in nature, which is measured on the pH scale. When you hear the term 'acidic', it means that a substance has a pH level of 5 or less. Alkaline substances have a minimum pH of 6, in general.

2. Alkaline water is better than regular water because it has a better pH. High quality alkaline water can have a pH level of 9 or more.

3. It is believed that the higher pH level of ionized water is great for the body, mainly because it can neutralize acid in the bloodstream, which can keep health issues away.

4. Users also claim that alkaline water helps the body in absorbing nutrients more efficiently and boosts the metabolism. It is also believed that regular consumption can reduce and slow the aging process.

5. The research with regards to ionized water is pretty limited so far, but some of the available studies suggest that it can help in slowing bone loss and is good for people dealing with arthritis.

6. Currently, packaged ionized water is manufactured artificially. Most of the leading brands also add other vitamins and minerals along with electrolytes to boost the benefits.

7. Naturally, water from streams and waterfalls are known to be alkaline, primarily because of great closeness to rocks which have minerals.

8. If you are new to the concept, it is best to look for brands that sell water with a minimum pH level of 9. Although limited, these brands are the best when you want to take the maximum benefit of alkaline water.

9. Apart from commoners, many of the leading celebs and Hollywood stars have promoted alkaline water, which has undoubtedly contributed to its popularity in many ways.

10. The concept mainly comes from the alkaline diet, which talks about eating foods and drinking beverages that have a better pH score, so as to reduce health issues.

11. There is very limited and verified information with regards to alkaline or ionized water, but there are no known side effects so far. It is considered to be a great option for anyone.

12. It is important to read the labels if you are choosing a brand. Try to look for options that have electrolytes, which can offer a natural energy boost.

13. If you have any health concerns or diseases, do not shy away from speaking to your doctor. This will just help in getting some clarity.

14. A lot of people also start the alkaline diet at the same time. Before making any massive changes to your diet, do take a note of all the essential nutrients and whether these are included in the new diet!

15. Finally, always follow the routine. Unless you start with conviction and continue the use of alkaline water, you cannot expect great results.

Start now!

I am a marketing representative of Tru Balance Water. Tru Balance Water Inc seeks to introduce the highest quality alkaline health water to the masses at a competitive price while maintaining an Eco Friendly stance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Hampry_Gomes/1947642

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