Ladies, Unleash the Slimmer and Sexier Version Of Yourself and Live Happier!

Did you know that you can use the power of your mind to help boost your weight loss goals? It is imperative for your mind to be in alignment with your weight loss goals so that you can experience true transformation. You can't leave your mind out of the weight success equation.

Losing weight and keeping the weight off has to deal with more than the physical aspect. Yes, that is part of it, but what about what is going on in your mind? If your mindset isn't in alignment with what you desire to see on the scale it can mean unwanted and resistant pounds. And that is extremely discouraging and frustrating.

You can create an image of yourself in your mind and incorporate that image into your healthier eating plan and physical activity plan, and attract your slimmer and sexier body in a super phenomenal way! You have the power to consciously create the body that you dream of and desire. It is not up to anyone else... you yourself have what it takes.

Your mindset is what attracts weight success. Your weight desires will match your mindset. So you must have the right attitude and belief system. You can have the most amazing eating plan and exercise plan, but if your mindset is not right then you will probably go back to the same old habits that caused the weight gain in the first place. I had to learn that myself. When you transform your mind you can permanently transform your weight, body, and life.

Subconsciously you may be dealing with a way of thinking and believing that is blocking your ability to unleash the slimmer and sexier version of yourself. And until those blocks are released they will remain active in your life, and you may continue to struggle with losing the weight and keeping it off.

Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is a Nurse, Certified Health Coach, Certified Weight Loss Coach, Certified Weight Management Specialist, and Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She is also the founder of The Weight Success Institute for Women, a holistic weight management organization for women.

She is also the creator of "The Skinny Mind Diet Program." To learn more about "The Skinny Mind Diet Program" please visit

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What Makes You Fat and How To Avoid It?

The good and bad news as many of you may know, is that fat doesn't make you fat. Excess carbohydrates high in sugar, lead to subsequent weight gain. What is the relationship between exercise vs. nutrition in losing and maintaining weight? As you age, increasing your exercise demands to meet the calories in calories out theory is fraught with danger. Excess exercise during your later years, causes stress related effects on the body; leading to catabolic (breakdown of muscle) function.
These Foods Make You Fat And Bloat Your Stomach! AVOID EATING THEM!
If your aim is to lose weight, there is one feasible option left; eat less food via portion control. Whilst not a radical idea, put to practice this remains one of the most challenging behaviour people face these days. In both my experience and work in the area suggests a number of reasons why people overeat. The most compelling is attributed to the role emotions play in relation to food consumption.

Avoiding Getting Fat

Think back for a moment to a distressing event which occurred in your life recently? It may have been relationship related, work or school. What did you do to console yourself to get through the event? I'm certain there are many people nodding their heads affirming their embrace of food as a means of comfort.

Emotions play a key role in the way you manage your health during times of stress. You typically understand how comforting food can be during such times. So what is one to do you ask? Certainly it is inevitable that you'll be faced with stress related situations throughout your life. It's important that you understand how to steer your way through the perils of becoming engulfed by your emotions for this reason.

My suggestion is the following. Be mindful when you eat. Letting go of distractions in your environment becomes paramount, since this inhibits your connection with your food. When I say connection, I'm talking about being mindful and aware of how much food you're putting into your mouth during meals.

When viewing TV whilst eating, one tends to orientate themselves toward the show they're watching and less on the food before them. Your mind wanders; going into a subconscious state as you eat. You're more inclined to overeat, as you overlook the fullness signals your body communicates. Being present means being attuned to your body's cues and feelings. This is known as interoception.

The other useful strategy is paying attention to your emotions. Do NOT eat when you're emotional. Read that phrase again and commit it to memory. It is vital that you understand your body's emotional response mechanism. Knowing your emotional constitution allows you to navigate your way out of preeminent danger associated with overeating. Recognising your behavioural patterns with a view of altering it is a useful strategy for long term success.

My suggestion is not to turn to food as comfort during emotional turbulence. It's for this reason I advocate and write articles; educating people in understanding their emotions with a view to personal growth. In doing so, you become aware and awake to face most situations life presents you. You remain calm and still through turbulent times; since your inner world is not affected by your outer world experiences.

Your knowledge and relationship with your body is a journey. Part of that journey means you'll undoubtedly make wrong choices, leading you off your path. You needn't concern yourself that you've lost your way. You're merely learning what NOT to do along a journey spanning numerous detours.

Remain calm and poised during difficult times. Learn from your mistakes. Become aware of things that work and those that don't. In a short time, you'll be armed with the wisdom to plot a course to the life of your dreams, in a body radiating vibrant health and vitality.

In either case, you get to choose your journey and destination. Appreciate that the journey is far more compelling and rewarding than the destination. Chose wisely; choose patiently.

If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'

The Power to Navigate Life is arguably the most complete and powerful teachings on the mastering of life. The Power to Navigate Life is your opportunity to experience a rewarding life from the very first page. Visit to get your copy.

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Health Effects of Obesity

How To Beat Insulin Resistance And Lose Weight

For many people insulin resistance is on the road to type two diabetes. But the relevance for weight loss is that it is a part of metabolic syndrome X which includes weight gain and high blood pressure.

Every cell in your body responds to insulin. It is secreted by your pancreas in response to high blood sugar levels. But over time for many people when the insulin attaches to a cell the lock fails to open and it is as if there has been no insulin at all.

Pinching FatSo the pancreas sends in more insulin and soon the flood gates open, but the result is that all of this insulin pulls your blood sugar down too fast and this makes you feel tired, grumpy and most of all hungry. So you eat again to feel better.

All this blood sugar has to go somewhere, some of it is burnt for energy but most is converted to long chain triglycerides and deposited as fat.

This cycle goes on and on and there you are trying to lose weight right in the middle of a problem that by its very nature is making you hungry and stressed.

Most people follow the old worn and useless principles of eating a low fat diet and trying to eat less calories. The problem is that when you lower the fat in your diet it has to be replaced with something else, and that is some form of carbohydrate.

All carbohydrates become sugar in the body and this makes your insulin resistance worse. This single issue has contributed to the significant increase in obesity and diabetes since the 1970's.

In some circles people are taking a drug called Metformin which is used by diabetics and is hailed as an anti-aging elixir, and it works by reducing insulin requirements.

There is however a proven and possibly safer way to take the pressure off your pancreas and to allow your body to recover its normal ability to manage sugar. All you have to do is stop eating processed foods and big fruit smoothies.

Processed foods by their nature are loaded with sugar, and a fruit smoothie is a massive fructose hit to your liver. Processed foods often hide the word sugar behind such terms as dextrose, galactose, sucrose, corn syrup, maltose, lactose and glucose, plus other creative names used to disguise sugar.

On a food label you read the total carbohydrates and this gives the real amount. But if you stop eating processed foods then you also get to stop reading food labels.

Giving up these foods is not as difficult as you may imagine and the benefits can be considerable for both weight loss and general health.

and for your free programme to reduce pain, burn fat and boost your energy go to

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A New Paradigm on Weight Loss

During my time working in the area of health and wellbeing, the term 'weight-loss' has been used to indicate the removal of unwanted body fat. Marketers have sold you on the idea that you must remove the fat in order to look and feel your best. What if I told you (the media) and us (the audience) have had it all wrong this whole time? Stay with me here as I explain.

I want to introduce you to a powerful tenet which gives rise to whatever it is you're trying to achieve with your body is not external, yet contained within your mind. The key to losing weight is determined by how you attach meaning to it - the thoughts and emotions associated with it. Weight loss implies removing something unwanted or undesirable i.e. excess body fat. What if we re-framed it in our minds as an expression which affirms the following instead; allowing our body to return or 'be' in its natural state of health and wellbeing. How would that allow us to feel from an emotional level?

You see the term weight loss has a resistance to it, much like 'rally against war.' I stand for peace is much more harmonious and in tune with higher states of consciousness. Weight loss implies you haven't achieved it yet, it is outside of your consciousness and a challenge to achieve. Your natural state of health and wellbeing is a body weight that is normal to you. You don't need diets, pills, formulas and whatever else the media is selling you to lose weight.

Fact 1: The power of drug companies has grown exponentially. They now fund about two-thirds of clinical studies and medical journals have increasingly become marketing devices for new products and diagnoses.

Benchmark Testimonials & MoreFact 2: Studies by industry are subtly funded to give positive results. The same research will be published again and again in different journals, with minor variations, to give the impression of a unanimous acceptance and weight of evidence.

So what can you do to change the relationship and conversation you have with yourself around body weight issues?

Throw away all your dieting books NOW.
There is no problem, just an imbalance in one's thoughts and emotions.
Go within to discover the cause of your current weight issues. Is there an outdated belief, thought or emotion which is holding you back? If so, when did it start? Go within and take a introspective journey to discover the cause. We often attach meaning to things which no longer serve us.
Be grateful that you live in a Western world and have access to food. Approximately 3 billion people live below $2.50 a day, which is considered the poverty line.
Re-frame how you approach weight loss in your mind and your body will follow.
Appreciate your body right now, regardless of shape, size, colour, height, weight. If you dislike or hate your body, you're sending subconscious messages to every cell in your body to work against you, not in harmony with you. Why would your body want you to lose weight when you're telling it I hate you, I don't like what I see in the mirror?
Develop a relationship with your body as mentioned in previous article.
A well known author versed in the area of mind body medicine states the following about weight loss: "Health is not an event. It is a process. It is not a rock, but rather a river. Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can address systematic problems, but involve a change in life-process day after day. Weight loss isn't going on a diet (an event), or being twenty pounds lighter (an event). Weight loss is what I eat and how I exercise today and always (a process).

The more you come from a place of non-resistance, the more your body recognises your willingness to grow and expand toward health and wellbeing. Remember this for it will serve you well - your health and wellbeing is a journey, never a destination. It is more about WHO you become, more than WHAT you become. It is for this reason I affirm health, wellbeing and healing is more about awakening your authentic self, using personal development, self awareness and spirituality. With these tools in hand, you become someone worthy of living a rich, health and prosperous life; without having to fall back to their former self.

If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'

The Power to Navigate Life is arguably the most complete and powerful teachings on the mastering of life. The Power to Navigate Life is your opportunity to experience a rewarding life from the very first page. Visit to get your copy.

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How You Can Naturally Lose Weight Fast

They say that patience is a virtue. But, one area people exhibit impatience is when it comes to weight loss. The truth is: as an obese or overweight individual, it took you quite a long time to accumulate those extra pounds that pushed you into the next larger clothing size. But with each weigh-in, you want a lower number on the scale. Not just want, you want it fast!

I want to assure you that with a few changes to your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle, you can help yourself lose weight fast, naturally and safely.

Here are 5 tips to help you in this natural weight loss journey.

(1) Physical Activity Strategy

Is Your Doctor Aware You Want to Do This?

To lose weight fast and in a natural way, you have to speed-up your regular exercises - cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Remember that to lose weight, you need to burn fat and build muscles.

Aerobic exercises, such as running, walking, swimming and cycling, help you raise your heart rate and burn calories immediately. Strength training, like weight lifting, helps boost your metabolism thereby increasing your lean muscles; helping your muscles burn more calories even when you are at rest.

Physical lifestyle changes are also important in the bid for fast weight loss. Think through your daily lifestyle activities and find areas where you can scale up. Consider the following:

- Parking your car farther away so you can take a walk to and from your destination
- Walking the dog
- Taking the stairs rather than using the elevator.

Female Nutritionist with Fruits and VeggiesIn all, try to alternate your exercises, which not only eliminates boredom but also, challenges different muscles and ensures your metabolic rate remains high throughout your weight loss efforts.

(2) Eating Strategy

Basically, if you consume more calories than you can burn, it translates to excess body fat. Remember, one pound of body fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories.

Eat servings - not portions - of healthy foods in order to lose weight fast. A healthy diet that gives you all your essential nutrients comprises foods from all food groups including vegetables, fruits, lean sources of protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

A higher protein diet helps you burn more calories naturally through a process called thermogenesis (the amount of calories your body burns digesting foods). Because proteins - seafood, eggs, lean beef, etc - take longer time than carbohydrates or fats to digest, they help you feel full longer thereby reducing your daily calorie intake.

Make 50% of your meals fruits and vegetables. These foods, high in fiber and water content, are rich in nutrients that you need for a well-balanced, healthy diet. They make you full longer thereby helping you reduce the amount of calories you take.

Your body needs carbohydrates to function and operate normally. Choose whole grains that are higher in fiber and other nutrients which may help you lose weight faster. Keep your total intake between 1 - 2 servings a day.

If you must eat snacks in between meals, ensure they are healthy. Spinach salad + raw vegetables; berries + grilled chicken; yogurt + fruits & nuts; etc, for example.

Water is also part of this because it's all about ingesting. Drinking lots of fresh, pure water each day helps your body flush out excess toxins and wastes. You can drink a glass of water before each meal which helps your stomach feel full faster thereby helping you consume few calories to satisfy your hunger.

For variety, you can jazz your water up by adding some real lemon or orange or pineapple or cucumber, etc juice.

(3) Rest Strategy

The best form of rest is sleep. Adequate sleep (7-9 hours every night) is important for you to lose weight fast and for your overall health ultimately.

Research indicates that inadequate sleep can lead to metabolism issues which can cause weight gain or weight loss difficulties.

(4) Support Group Strategy

A support group should consist of individuals struggling to lose weight as you do or those who are in support of your cause. This could be members of your family, friends or even coworkers who share your weight loss goals. Support could also be in the form of sharing recipes or other lifestyle changes that can support your weight loss.

In this regard, studies have shown that support groups may help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss long-term.

(5) Measure Your Progress

Measuring your weight loss progress can encourage or discourage you.

I recommend you weigh yourself at a particular time, first thing in the morning when you wake up and in a particular clothing or preferably naked, two times in a week - in the beginning and at the end of the week.

Another way apart from weighing-in is to rely on how you are feeling and how your clothes are fitting.

Women during their menstrual cycles should realize that they get bloated during this period as a result of fluid retention and therefore, should not mount the scales so as not to get disappointed.

The above easy and simple tips can certainly help you lose weight fast and most importantly, in the most natural and healthy way possible.

Did you know that obesity or overweight has become a global pandemic? Did you know that obese or overweight individuals have shorter lifespan? I'll show you fast and natural ways on how to lose weight that nobody has ever told you! Visit NOW!

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4 Easy Habits To Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight and getting fit are two things we can do to get healthier and enjoy life more.

Everybody knows this, but how do we make those healthy lifestyle changes?

The problem with changing our lifestyle is that our habits are extremely difficult to change. And our lifestyles are made up of many habits that have become ingrained over the years. Changing a habit can become a very difficult self improvement project that demands a lot of motivation and commitment.

Many people try to make a lot of changes all at once in an attempt to get immediate results. This is extremely difficult to accomplish and as a result, they often give up their attempts to create healthy habits and resort to the usual negative health habits they had before they made the attempt.

Lifestyle changes are hard. That's why it is better to change one health habits at a time so that you don't avoid becoming overwhelmed and stop trying to be healthy altogether. Sometimes it just takes a few days or a few weeks of trying to live healthy before a healthy lifestyle becomes a habit we can live with.

The trick to creating healthy living habits is to begin gradually. If you expect immediate changes from a fad or trendy diet and fitness program, you are more likely to be disappointed and quit before you see any lasting results. If you make gradual changes to the what you eat and how you exercise, it becomes easier and you are less likely to become discouraged and quit.

Start with just these 4 small and gradual lifestyle changes:

1. Eat one healthy meal a day.

If you try to eat just one healthy meal each day, you will feed your body with enough good nutrition and healthy proteins. Try getting in one healthy meal of fruits, vegetables and lean meats (for protein) every day.

If the food is healthy for you, it usually won't contain a lot of empty calories and cause the weight gain that you can see when you eat junk food or highly processed foods. Eating a lot becomes a habit, so you should try to watch your portion sizes. The key is to eat until you're satisfied, not until you're full.

2. Drink a glass of water before each meal.

Water is perhaps the best liquid you can drink. Almost everything else contains sugar or other empty calories. When you drink water before a meal, (8-ounces is enough), you'll feel fuller before eating and this might help you eat less at the meal.

3. Snack on a meal replacement bar.

I like to keep a stash of granola bars in my desk at work so I can grab one whenever I feel hungry or need an energy kick. Meal replacement bars will keep you from going hitting the vending machines and eating poor food choices. Try getting a meal replacement bar high in fiber and with at least 10 to 15 grams of protein per bar.

4. Exercise regularly.

If you have a gym membership, try using it at least 3-4 times per week. If you don't, choose an activity you enjoy and make the most of it three or four times a week. Try for at least a half hour per session. Remember that old commercial, thirty minutes a day, three days a week. It really works. Exercise will help increase yours energy, increase build muscle mass, and will help you lose or maintain weight by burning off excess calories.

Losing weight and getting fit has been the most popular and difficult self improvement project ever. Most people try and fail without seeing any lasting results. It doesn't have to be that way because almost any program will work if you approach it the right way. There are many more free tips, tricks and strategies available to lose weight permanently Weight Loss Diet Tips 101

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4 Weight Loss Myths

Due to the large number of people struggling to lose weight, a lot has been said about the topic. The large amount of information confuses a lot of people thus many can't tell the myths from the facts. To help you out, here are some of the common weight loss myths that you should know about:

Weight loss is a linear process

In as much as you might have read and heard how people have lost weight after starting their exercise regimens and dieting, it's good to note that the weight loss journey wasn't linear. Many people lose a few pounds one week and then gain a few the following week. Experts attribute this to the presence of food and water in the body. The fluctuations are more pronounced in women due to their menstrual cycle.

There are some people that give up on weight loss after they gain a few pounds in a certain week but this shouldn't be you. It is a slow journey with hills and pumps and you should be patient until you reach your target weight.

Starving is the best way to lose weight

Since food is the main cause of the added pounds thus cutting it will result in shedding a few of those pounds, right? You are wrong! Studies show that starvation often results to long-term weight gain instead of weight loss. According to the studies, when you starve, you send your body into starvation mode thus the body protects its fat reserves. You also tend to crave high-fat and sugary foods. In the long run, you end up taking in a lot of unnecessary calories. Cutting the food proportions is recommended but you shouldn't stop taking food.

Spicy foods make you burn calories

There is a huge debate around this topic. While different foods contain different nutrients thus have different health benefits, studies show that all calories are the same regardless of where they are coming from. This means that there are no calories that will help you lose weight. While there are some foods that increase the rate of metabolism, studies show that the rate is insignificant thus doesn't have any effect on weight loss.

The best way of losing weight is building muscle. When you build muscles you increase your calorie demand even when your body is at rest thus little or no fat is deposited. If you don't like exercising, you should take foods with plenty of water and fiber content. These foods stay longer in the body thus you don't keep on eating.

Weight loss diets always work

There are many diets in the market and I would like to report that most of them don't work. According to studies, most of the diets help you lose the water weight and when you stop taking them, you gain the weight back. It's estimated that 85% of people that take diets gain the weight back within a year. To be safe, avoid relying on the diets. The best way of going about it is increasing the levels of activity, eating healthy meals and sleeping better and weight loss will come as a natural side effect.

If you are looking for weight loss information we have plenty of it at Lame to Fit. You will find information that ranges from the weight loss mistakes to avoid to the best foods to take to shed off the weight. Visit the given links to know more.

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Lose Weight Biking - A Great Weight Loss Strategy

It is quite challenging to lose weight for many people, but you can make it less demanding on yourself. Discover what you like to do concerning your exercise, and if the thing that excites you is biking, then you have got the right article. Read further to learn what equipment you need to lose weight biking. You can utilize your bike as an awesome weight loss strategy.

You should consider the size of the bike needed and the style too. What type of bike do you need? Ensure that you get the right of size bike for your needs above everything else. You don't want a particularly too small bike. Check them online or individually to get better insights of the size that you require.

You require the right shoes to wear as well, even if you don't have any at the moment. If you have the money, simply proceed and purchase yourself a new pair to express your devotion anyway. It is a great thing that you're about to do for yourself. Get the correct shoes for your necessities, and ensure they're easy to use as well. As expected, they must be the right shoes for biking, so don't purchase anything off topic.
Quest: Eric Hites (above) from Danville, Indiana is riding his bike across the country, having started in Massachusetts in June
When you're planning or preparing for a pleasant long ride, be sure to take water or a sports drink and some low-fat snacks with you. Consider it like a picnic, and ensure you pack healthy stuff. You can stop at the mid-point in your ride and have a little picnic, or you can take your drink and eat whatever nibble you get along the way. Ensure you have some way to convey it with you conveniently. This implies you will want to ensure that either your bike has a holder or storage space for these, or you can carry them manually one way or the other. A backpack is always a good thing worth having.

You also require a first-aid kit on you, so it's presumably a good idea to have a knapsack or backpack as said earlier if your bike doesn't have compartments for things. This backpack can contain your food and water and in addition, your first-aid kit. This will guarantee that you have the needed supplies.

You likewise need to have things to repair your tire in the event that something happens. Consequently, it's a smart thought to have this stuff in your backpack too. Also, you can get extra cushioning to put in your seat, and this will make it easy for you to ride longer. You additionally need to know where you're going so you don't get lost.

When trying to lose weight or you are into a weight loss strategy, it's imperative that you do something that excites you for exercise. Ensure you pick a few various activities and have a go at searching for something new. If you plan to lose weight biking, biking makes an extraordinary exercise act or routine, and you should remember from your readings to make sure you have nothing but the best biking experience.

Find the Best Weight loss strategy, Weight Loss eBooks, Diet eBooks and great Health & Fitness Articles about exercises, strategies, guides, plans & tips on Weight Loss.

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5 Weight Loss Inspiration Tips Necessary in Achieving Weight Loss Success!

Most people have the best intentions for losing weight but did not last more than a week before going back to old eating habits that got fat in the first place. Why is this? Do people in General just lack the will to lose weight? Our lives are depending a lot on the taste of sugar and salt that we can't think of a happy life without including fast food delicious? The solution to this problem is all in your mind.

Is the essence of all forms of spirituality is looking for an internal voice that drives us. Most of us don't slow down enough to be able to hear it. Taking a break during the day as an independent activity or rethink their problems during exercise keep you alive, but it can also reduce your overall stress levels and desire to move foods.

Here are 5 simple step processes to follow will help to stimulate the kind of inspiration to weight loss success:

Important weight loss tips #1: "know your goals!"

How many times have you heard this? Again how do you need to hear this before you drown? If you don't have a reason to lose weight, and never will. We should be getting you healthy, but more often than not, there are other reasons. High school reunion? A wedding? Looking good in a bathing suit? Whatever reasons you should know you stimulate factors to reach your weight loss goals. Just knowing you have identified them can be enough to make you think twice before you open that bag of Doritos.

Inspire weight loss tips #2: write down your goals

It is only if you know what the main goals of weight loss success, more people will be healthy. Search for ancient writing tools one called pencil and grab a piece of paper, and while you're at it. Now write down your goals of losing weight. Do not write them on your computer. Why not? Tip # 3 will explain the main reason why, but in addition to that magical thing happens when you write on paper. Your ideas become reality. You now have the proof that you want to accomplish something.

Important tips for weight loss #3: take the time to mention this "why you need to write your goals on a piece of paper." If you have your goals with you at all times, and you cannot put a computer in your Pocket! Also, if you count texting on your phone, I suppose it's possible. But you have to shuffle through all kinds of messages are recovered, will be lost. And more productive to see your hand in front of your computer. You'll feel more accountable for your actions, your inspiration will be the renewal of the process stay on track with your weight loss program.

Important tips for weight loss #4: copy the success knowing that others have succeeded can help you visualize your success.

Stories and testimonials of those who have achieved exactly what you want will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Weight loss has the power to change people's lives. What is the procedure take? Many times it bounces again? What is weight loss supplements worked for them? All the positive results of these people could have experienced the success of your chart.

Important tips for weight loss #5: look "forward" don't let your past failures dictates how your future will be.

Everyone has the ability to change and reinvent themselves on a daily basis. So you failed every time I ever tried to lose weight before? Big deal! What are you going to do today and tomorrow to change your track record? No one can succeed without fail anyway. Use your painful moments as a starting point for future success instead of allowing it to keep you. Just like you can follow other popular success plans, make sure that your mistakes are not obstacles anymore. You know what to avoid, so take a new path! I failed to lose weight for years and years before he found success in the end. I spent $ 2000 on diets only to lose 60 pounds and get the rights to 80 again! It wasn't even written down, browse my goals that I decided to try weight loss that has worked successfully for others. Lose 70 pounds in 4 months, but has kept it off for more than 15 years now. The best part is now helping others do the same. Nothing happens without fail first and then use this failure of inspiration and motivation for positive change.

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Lose Weight in an Exceedingly Affordable Manner?

The only way to lose weight is regularly to ensure that the food supply provides significantly less energy (expressed in kilojoules or kilocalories) than what the body needs to maintain its temperature, ensure its normal activity and exercise. When food intake is reduced, this basic need will fall by about 15%. So the gap between energy used and that provided by the food must be at least 25% and 40% preference. If a woman who normally consumes 2000 kcal does dieting to 1500 kcal, the gap between his need reduced (i.e. 2000-15%, so 1700 kcal) and his contribution is of only 200 kcal per day. This means that it would take 5 weeks to lose 1 kilo, which is in practice far too slow. Therefore, if energy is too low, weight loss is so slow that it is accompanied by a loss of motivation.

The natural use of energy in women, unless she does regular exercise, is of the order of 2000 kcal per day. Excess weight increases this threshold but as it usually causes a reduction in physical activity, it is wise to accept the figure of 2000 kcal as reference point. In humans, the yield is higher, but it is unclear if this is beneficial. This means that with the same plan, the men will normally lose weight more quickly, which is a plus because they are normally less patient. When we lose weight, whatever the system, recent studies have confirmed that body mass removed (past the first week, where the loss is made up of 20% carbohydrate and 80% water) is still about 75% fat and 25% other elements (including protein). As a result, the loss of a kilo takes a cumulative loss of about 7000 kcal. On this basis, it is possible to...

1200 kcal per day (average level for dieting) weight loss is 0.3-0.7 kg per week,
800 kcal per day, it is about 0.7 - 1.4 kg per week,
500 kcal, she's about 1.5-2.5 pounds per week
Is the perfect plan there?

Unfortunately the answer is a resounding "no." The person who would develop such a regime would become multi-billionaire within a year. We all have our preferences. So many professionals in the field consider that the variety of diets is an advantage insofar as security principles are respected, even in the long term. So what are these security requirements?

The minimum daily protein intake must be 50 g. In fact, it is less, but experts, at the international level, believe that this extra is important. Minimum fat intake is about 7 g/day to ensure the necessary supply of essential fatty acids and stimulate the flow of bile. With an intake below 1400 kcal per day, it is virtually impossible, with a diet based on foods that are normal to maintain long-term reserves in vitamins and minerals. Thus, diets should either include a supplement of vitamins and minerals, or include a mix of substitute foods in order to meet the minimum needs in vital elements (in particular, proteins, vitamins and minerals). Given that a considerable amount of water is lost during the diet, non-caloriques beverage intake should be high.

With these simple principles, is it easy to follow a diet? Here again, the answer is 'no'. Stand to one regime is a real fight, but the following tips can help:

Do not set the bar too high at the outset.
A weight loss of only 5 to 10% minimizes a lot of health problems.
Lose weight in a gradual and reasonable way.
The will and the determination are paramount.
Many people find support groups or individual incentives are very useful.
The regular practice of physical exercise helps greatly.
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Check my review, pros & cons of the diet.
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17 tangible Benefits of Losing Weight


8 Benefits of Losing Weight

How Grains Are Making You Fat and Sick

For decades the food pyramid has grains proudly placed as a prominent food, yet over this time people have become fatter and unhealthier. Grains are consumed as rice, pasta, breads, flour cakes cookies, vegetable oils and a multitude of processed snacks.

There are a few issues to discuss.

1. Grains are typically rich in omega 6 fatty acids. While fish are our primary source of omega 3 fats. The ideal ratio is 5:1, but because we consume so many grains as staples, as cereals and in snacks and treats the ratio is typically closer to 25:1.

The result is higher levels of inflammation causing problems all the way from arthritis to dementia. Inflammation is one of the bio-markers of aging, and anti-inflammatory drugs are amongst the most commonly prescribed drugs.

The problem is we have a never ending cycle, too much omega 6 (grains, pro inflammatory) too little omega 3 (oily fish, anti-inflammatory) and trying to fix the problem with NSAID'S (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which cause their own problems by affecting the lining of the small intestine.

2. Grains and grain rich foods all have one thing in common they break down to sugar in your blood stream and disrupt normal hormones levels such as insulin, leptins and ghrelin. The net result is insulin sensitivity which leads to type 2 diabetes, hunger and weight gain.

These carbohydrates pull triglycerides (fats) into the blood stream, further contributing to the obesity rates of modern societies. We don't think of a bowl of pasta as sugar but that is exactly what it is.

It breaks down into your blood stream as sugar, which raises your blood sugar, then your long suffering pancreas secretes lots of insulin in order to regulate your blood sugar. Then we eat more grains or sugar and the process starts again.

The grains also increase circulating ghrelin and leptin which cause an increase in hunger which often results in eating more grain sourced foods.

A part of the problem is the volume of carbohydrate we consume and the size of our portions. An Italian friend when visiting his ancestral country for the first time as an adult was amazed by the servings of pasta.

Typically there were half the size of what he would eat in Australia. He was surprised but he noticed he felt healthier eating these different serves often served with unsweetened tomato sauces.

3. Most grains contain gluten which is known to cause series health problems in those people who have coeliac disease. But research scientists estimate that as many as 80% of people have non coeliac reactions to gluten.

We don't need grains to live a healthy life with perfectly healthy bodies, but we do need vegetables fats and protein.

And for your free programme to reduce pain, burn fat and boost your energy go to

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How to Start Weight Loss Through Cycling

If you are one of those who made a resolution to start changing their lifestyle to be fit and healthy, you might want to try cycling as an exercise. Unlike weight training and running which usually strains your ankles and other muscles, cycling is a low impact exercise that burns calories as much as, or even twice as much as hitting the gym. Cycling regularly can make your muscles stronger. The stronger the muscles are, the better and faster your legs and hips work allowing your body to burn more calories while cycling.

To get optimum results in your cycling, you may want to complement the exercise with a healthy diet consisting of more vegetables and lean protein. Also, experts advice riders to eat a healthy breakfast before the ride and to never skip a meal. Starving the body of food makes one's metabolic processes to hold on to more fat instead of using and burning them. Experts also suggest that during long rides, it is advisable for the rider to take a short break and take snacks. This does not only provide energy but curbs craving that results to more unhealthy eating after the ride.

Morbidly Obese Woman on Industrial Tricycle wearing Aerotech Plus size cyclewearYou might also find that following a training plan might be helpful for your cycling program to help you be fit and healthy. One experienced rider suggested a bike plan that allows you to ride at different speeds and intensities. For instance, you may plan your bike paths from pleasure cruising at the park on a designated day and cross training on another day.

You may also want to start your bike speed at an easy intensity such as riding at 8-12 mph. This is an almost effortless pedaling with only a light tension in your legs. You, may also experience steady breathing but not the huffing and puffing that one usually experience in a strenuous exercise.

Cycling at a moderate speed means that you are riding from 12 to 16 mph. At this rate, there would be more tension in your legs and your breathing would be heavier. Heavy breathing expands the lungs and allows more oxygen in the body that actually helps in burning body fat.

When you feel you are confident enough, you can go faster at a harder intensity form 16 to 20 mph but remember not to stay within this speed for so long as your legs and lungs would be working to their maximum capacity.

Just like any exercise, experienced riders advice cyclists not to forget to do warm up and stretch exercises before going out on the road for a ride. These exercises will prevent muscle injury and conditions the body for the ride.

Whether you are an average sized rider or a heavier one who wanted to try biking for recreational purposes, commuting, or losing weight, check out Zize Bikes for a line-up of custom made, extra sturdy bicycles for everybody that can support ALL riders of ALL sizes (up to 550 pounds).

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5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


Many people are unaware of the significance of metabolism and how it can affect the health as well. Basically, Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that are involved in maintaining the living state of the organism and the cells. There are two forms of metabolism that include Anabolism and Catabolism.

The Catabolism is the synthesis of the entire compounds that are essential for the cells. The Anabolism is the breakdown of the molecules for the production of energy in the body. Both are associated with nutrition and therefore, constitute the basis for the proper functioning of the body.

Factors affecting Metabolism and how to boost it

1. Water: Water is the basis for all the chemical reactions in the body. If an individual is dehydrated, he might be burning off only two percent of calories respectively. Likewise, if a person drinks an ounce of water daily for every pound they weigh, he will have a higher metabolic rates as compared to those who only drink four glasses regularly.

2. Protein-Rich Foods: Iron is the main component that is essential for carrying oxygen to the muscles that need to burn fat as well. Unless the iron gets restocked in the body, the person will be at a greater risk of having low energy levels that will hinder the metabolism respectively.

5 Easy Ways To Boost Your MetabolismFoods like beans, spinach, lean meats, shellfish, and fortified cereals are the best sources of Iron and should constitute your diet on the daily basis. But too much of iron is not good for the health as you will run the risk of the heart disease as well. In fact, the natural iron can be derived by eating the real foods more often and keeping a balance between different types of foods.

3. Vitamin D: The Vitamin D is quite imperative for the preservation of the metabolism rate and the proper form of the muscle tissue as well. But surprisingly, experts have seen that only twenty percent of the natives of USA consume Vitamin D through their diet.

It is suggested that ninety percent of Vitamin D should be taken through a 3.5 ounce serving of the Salmon respectively. The other valuable sources of Vitamin D include eggs, tuna, cereals and the fortified milk.

4. Milk: Studies have shown that calcium deficiency results in a slow metabolism. So, consumption of calcium through dairy foods is necessary and in this regard low-fat yogurt, and fat-free milk should be avoided as they tend to decrease the fat absorption from other various foods.

5. Watermelon: The watermelon is a rich source of amino acid arginine that may also help in weight loss. If you begin adding amino acid arginine to your diet, you will enhance the oxidation of glucose and fat as well as increase the lean muscle in the body. Moreover, if nuts, seeds, and seafood are consumed reasonably, they will make the metabolism better as well.

Apart from the above five factors, you need to pay attention to your muscle mass, diet and the physical activity. The muscle mass can be maintained in the right manner through exercise and lifting of weights. The diet has to be kept in balance at all times. Lastly, daily exercise will help you to increase the muscle mass so that the body will burn the calories efficiently. offer health tips and information. Besides these services, we also educate to our clients on how to manage your diet. We have a dedicated team of professionals and experts who are always available for your help.

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Keto Metabolism

Here's a List of Benefits of Alkaline Water

An alkaline diet is among the most debated diets on the web today. While some people claim that there isn't much support from science for this diet, thousands of others have admitted good things and agreed to the benefits. The alkaline diet actually asks you to eat healthy and natural, and for that, you will have to skip all kinds of meats and dairy products.

Surely, this plan is not easy and people may have their reservations. However, the goodness of alkaline water cannot be denied. Basically, high pH water, also known as simple alkaline drink, is manufactured artificially with a high pH level, which offers a wide range of benefits. In this post, we will talk of some of the benefits, along with a few tips that may come handy.

1. The high pH of water is known to help in regulating blood sugar levels. As such, people who are dealing with diabetes will find the benefits worthy enough. Also, regular consumption of such beverages boosts the body metabolism, which will in turn help in losing weight. However, do not fall for fads and claims that promise big results with just drinks. Maintaining body weight is all about exercise and good food, but with alkaline water, you are just a step ahead.

2. Alkaline water enhances all bodily functions, and some brands have added electrolytes, which work for natural energy boost. In short, you don't need to drink Gatorade to get your energy. Just replace the regular water with high pH water, and you are good to go. At the same time, it is more than essential to maintain a great balance of nutrients, so that the benefits are more visible in a short time.

3. The presence of added miners, vitamins and antioxidants is also a great advantage for people dealing with aging issues. While your alkaline beverage will not work like a regular anti-aging cream for sure, but it would work on rejuvenating the body, and thereby, you will see many positive changes. Also, it helps in acid reflux, and presence of magnesium, calcium and potassium works well for the muscles and cells, allowing easy repairs.

4. If you are concerned about the hydration rate, these beverages are again your best friend. It works to enhance the hydration factor and offers a detox lifestyle, flushing toxins out of the body. Not to forget, these packaged water with higher pH and miners also work wonders for your taste. As compared to tap water, 9.5ph alkaline water tastes way better.

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Did we mention that you should look for brands that have at least 9 pH levels? Yes, it is important to see the pH mention of any beverage before you buy, so that you are assured of the benefits. While you don't need medical attention to replace tap water with such drinks, it is still a good idea to talk to the doctor in detail, especially if you have any kind of medical issues. Don't miss on exercising and eating right too!

I am a marketing representative of www(dot)trubalanceh2o(dot)com. Tru Balance Water Inc seeks to introduce the highest quality alkaline health water to the masses at a competitive price while maintaining an Eco Friendly stance.

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How to Overcome Food Cravings


It creeps in on us, grips us tightly and leaves us vulnerable as victims of food.

For how long shall we be in this bondage? The time has come for us to be liberated.

Clearly, a formidable strategy to tackle any situation emerges when factors involved are known and well understood. Let's perform a root-cause analysis and see what craving is really all about.

Undisputedly, there are essential questions that will give clarity when answered.

What is food craving?

It is an intense desire to consume a specific type or types of food. As a matter of fact it is a sign of some sort of imbalance in the body and it is different from normal hunger.

Why do we experience food craving?

It occurs as a result of many factors. They can be categorised under physiology, emotion and desire. These are the 3 musketeers and are inter-related.

As far as physiology is concerned, Serotonin and Endorphins are the major players. They have great impact.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which exists primarily in the gastrointestinal tract, blood platelets, and the central nervous system. It helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. It contributes majorly to feelings of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, whenever the level of serotonin drops, the body starts craving for sources that will increase its level. Carbohydrates and sugar are the ones that can quickly raise this level. They are loyal soldiers. This is why you crave for chips,cookies, chocolates,candies,ice cream and the likes.

Come to think of it,who doesn't want to feel happy always!! So, that's why the body wants serotonin level up incessantly.

Endorphins make us feel relaxed. They block pain and also give the body feelings of pleasure. Consumption of sugary products trick the hypothalamus in the brain and creates a sense of well-being. So we have high affinity towards the types of food that put us in this state. Clearly we crave for these foods so as to experience this euphoric feeling.

Secondly, emotions are undeniably powerful. We all can relate to few or several moments in our lives that we fell into the emotion trap. In fact it's a re-occurent situation in quite number of lives. Moods affect the way we crave for certain kinds of food. Boredom is a main culprit of heightened cravings while other emotions like sadness; anxiety; low self esteem; stress; and loneliness also contribute to unnecessary feeding.

Thirdly, there is desire. Naturally, people have several desires. In this context, it is the thirst for certain kinds of food. It has a strong hold on us. This overwhelming thirst for food really indicates a hidden desire for pleasure. It's just that we want a quick fix to feel happy,which makes us result to over eating certain kinds of food.

Don't we all have desires? Now imagine how deep it can be when it comes to food cravings.

OK, what are the implications or consequences of irregular food craving?

This is pretty obvious, you will end up having surplus deposit of fat in your body and eventually become overweight.

So, what's the solution?

There must be concordance in your life. Your software and hardware must be on point.

Naturally, whenever a need is unmet, a desire is generated in you and the longer that need is not met, the stronger it will grow till it explodes externally in the form of an uncontrolled desire to eat, feed and feast.

You should create means of comfort, fun, happiness and connection into your life besides the act of eating. By doing this, the overwhelming thirst for food will not be overpowering. Always ask yourself the real pleasure you seek whenever you crave for food in an abnormal way.

Eat controlled portions of food across the day because when you don't eat for a while and become hungry, the body tends to crave for more food.

Serotonin neurotransmitters need constant supply of quality nutrients. Make sure that your meals contain fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay off highly processed food. Sufficient intake of protein and fat with each meal keeps your blood glucose from having irregular flunctuations and it maintains a balance of hormone production in the body.

Consume Healthy Fat. It is essential for hormone and neurotransmitter production. Do not be misled by thinking that fat should be totally avoided. Without adequate fat intake, it's impossible for the body to produce enough serotonin. Just choose healthy fats that will keep you feeling great. Go for natural sources and avoid the processed ones.

Regular exercise boosts neurotransmitters. An average of 45 minutes moderate activity 3-5 days per week will do justice.

Resting can never be overstated. Ensure you get sufficient sleep because insufficient sleep disrupts hormone production and can keep your brain from producing enough serotonin. At least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep.

Stay hydrated. By maintaining a healthy level of hydration, cravings get controlled. No wonder they say "WATER NO GET ENEMY".

Also note how the cravings come and monitor the feelings. By keen observation you will get revelations.

Let me state explicitly. I am not a disciple of starvation, I stand for abundance and uplift of both body and spirit.

All I'm preaching is the truth which is why cravings got broken down today to shed more light.

Feed and dine in a controlled manner.

Never relent.

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Novel Rice Cooking Method Cuts Calories by Half

It seems that the researchers have come up with a novel way of cooking rice. By using this method, people can cut the calories absorbed by half. The scientists believe that cooking this way may bring down the incidence of obesity in the society. This development assumes significance in those countries that have rice as their staple food. The findings of this research have already been presented at the National Meeting and Exposition of American Chemical Society for international verification and study. The findings generated huge interests among the researchers who have vowed to continue the research to refine them.

Novel Cooking Way

The way to bring down the calorie intake by the body was discovered by a group of scientists from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka. The third world countries including India and Sri Lanka have obesity as the growing health problem. The people of these countries use rice as staple food. Hence, the group from that institution wanted to find a food-based solution for this problem. On doing research, the group under the leadership of <I>Sudhair A. James</I> has found that the increase of the rice-resistant starch (RS) decreases the calorific intake of the body. They found out by trial and error method the best way to increase the amount of RS in the rice-based food. They developed a specific heating and cooking regimen to process the best rice variety to cut the calorie intake by about 50-60%.

Modus Operandi

The group tried to experiment with different varieties of rice available in the country. Based on their findings, they found a new way of cooking rice. In this method, the researchers added a teaspoon of coconut oil to the boiling water and cooked half a cup of rice in it for 40 minutes. If people are in a hurry, they can cook the rice in coconut oil-laced water for just about 20-25 minutes. After removing from the fire, they brought cooked rice to the room temperature and then refrigerated it for 12 hours. Doing this way, they could increase RS concentration by at least 10 fold. Later, they did the clinical research by giving the cooked rice to volunteers to watch their starch levels in blood. They continuously monitored the sugar starch level for over three weeks to rationalize the study. In order to make the study fool-proof, the group also kept a control group ready. They fed the members of control with normally cooked rice. The starch levels of the members of this group were also monitored to arrive at a conclusion by comparison.

A group of researchers have found a novel way of cooking oil to reduce the starch intake in the body. They used the water mixed with coconut oil to cook the rice. The readers get to know more about this novel method in this article. For more such fitness related information, the readers can visit the link

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Broccoli Is Great for Weight Loss

Wouldn't be nice if there was something we could eat that would benefit our immune system, vision, digestive system, heart, and nervous system all in one. Well, there is and its call broccoli. It's what is referred to as a super food. It has countless benefits and can be eaten in so many different ways.

Broccoli is great for weight loss nutrition plans. It is low in calories and sodium, as well as being fat free. There are only thirty one calories in one serving, usually about one cup, of broccoli. It is high in fiber and vitamin C to support the immune system and contains a multitude of other vitamins and minerals, such as, B6, vitamin A, potassium, and magnesium. It is also packed with phytochemicals and plenty of antioxidants.

Broccoli aids in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Its high fiber content allows the soluble fiber, essentially meaning easier to digest, to connect with the cholesterol in the blood and more easily leave the body. As mentioned earlier, there are high amounts of calcium and magnesium that will assist in regulating blood pressure. These are just a couple processes, facilitated by this green super food, that help to detoxify the body. Detoxifying the body makes losing weight or gaining muscle easier because there are less contaminates to interfere with bodily functions.

Heart health is another large benefit to chowing down the broccoli. It keeps heart strong by keeping the blood vessels going to and from the heart strong. It even reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life. Having broccoli in your diet will increases your heart's blood pumping abilities.

There are a number of other body systems that reap the rewards from the nutrient packed food. The high potassium in broccoli promotes a healthy nervous systems and muscle growth. There is a carotenoid in the vegetable called lutein that prevents eye degeneration and the vitamin A content is useful for the retina in the eye. The digestive system is also affected. The fiber maintains the proper bacteria levels in the gut and keeps the lining of the stomach and intestines healthy.

Many people dread the taste of the healthy green veggies, especially broccoli. It doesn't have to make your appetite disappear when you see it on your plate though. It can be cooked in a variety of ways, steaming, stir- fry, raw, roasted. It can be included into delicious recipes like broccoli salad, chicken and broccoli, or broccoli casserole. There are even cook books made specifically devoted to broccoli.

Next time you try to plan out dinner try to include broccoli in the recipe for your weight loss, you will be glad you did later. It is very small, but very powerful vegetable in the cabbage family that will blast your body with insane amount of nutrients. It affects several systems within your body and has affects long after its picked up with the fork.

Broccolis is great because its low in calories, sodium, fat free, packed with antioxidants and ideal for weight loss. Want to apply it or learn more visit

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5 Reasons You Can't Lose Fat

Are you one of those people who have tried everything to lose weight? The workouts, the diets, the books, the trainers, you've done it all and it doesn't get you any results. Well there are a few things you might be missing that are holding you back. Follow these simple steps and watch the weight fall off.

Mind over matter, right? Your mind is probably the most powerful tool you will ever come across. You must program your mind for success. Train your mind to think that all things are possible. Your weight loss is possible. Tell yourself each day you can and will do this. Wake up each morning and visualize yourself achieving your goals. The weight loss journey is hard and it is easy to succumb to negative thoughts. We've all been there, when we want to give up and call it quits. DON'T! You are in charge and you control your thoughts. Whether you say you can or you can't, you are right. Don't be scared to begin this journey. Change is hard and it affects us all, you are not alone. You must push yourself if you want to change. You will love the change in the end. Tell yourself that something needs to change and then believe that you can change it. Imagine the changes, see how bad you want them. It may be a large task at hand, but don't let that deter you. You can make these changes when you push the fear aside.

When you set out to lose fat you must commit. Not committing for a couple days or weeks. You need to commit for as long as it takes to achieve your goals. Commit to the fat lose journey and throw out the excuses. If you find an excise everyday to not workout, to not eat healthy, to not push yourself, you are NOT committed. You're in it for the long haul. Find a way to motivate yourself throughout training, keep the commitment that you have on the very first day.

Diet is a huge part of losing fat. HUGE. Plain and simple, you cannot eat processed, refined, fatty foods and expect to lose weight. Watch what you eat and make the necessary changes, which there are probably more than you think. Your body uses the food you eat to repair your body from your time at the gym, you literally become what you eat. Make sure you are educated on how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you need for your workout plan. Nailing down your diet will significantly increase your results.

Losing fat takes time. It doesn't and never will disintegrate off you while you sleep. Have patience and a lot of it. Whenever you get frustrated take a step back and review your goal and motivate yourself to keep going. Try things, such as, monthly measurements or tracking a diet, so you can see small changes. You are more likely to have continued patience if you see the small changes you are making. Also, as hard as it might be train yourself to believe that changes are happening inside your body that you can't see. When you start exercising your brain starts producing more serotonin, your arteries begin to clear, and your heart begins to learn how to pump harder. You may not see them, but these are changes none the less. Challenge yourself with different workouts or recipes to help keep things interesting, so you enjoy it more. The more you enjoy it, the more patience you will have and the more likely to stick with it.

Make sure you have a steady support system to be there for you while you try to lose fat. Have people there that will encourage you and push you. Support can come from anybody, a trainer, a workout partner, your children, family members. A simple "good job" from someone can convince you to go to the gym that day or eat carrot sticks instead or potato chips. Find people that get you excited about weight loss and accomplishing your results. You need to support yourself as well. Whatever challenge you are trying to accomplish, you need support, including fat loss.

Fat loss is not easy and thousands of people struggle with it. It isn't as simple as going to the gym once in a while and eating vegetables. You must perfect a program that you can stick to in order to get results. By doing the things in the previous paragraphs, you will get yourself in the correct mindset to lose that stubborn fat. Train your brain to think a certain way. And always remember, you can do it.

If you can't lose fat here is how you can overcome it. Follow these simple steps and watch the weight fall off. Want more tips or education head over to

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Fitness Excuses Kill Your Results

How many times have you made an excuse to not to go the gym? Or to have just a tiny bit of ice cream after dinner? Or start your diet the next day? Fitness Excuses are one of the largest and most annoying reasons people can't lose weight. Excuses hold you back. We hate hearing excuses from our friends. We teach our children not to make excuses. And yet somehow we allow ourselves to make them over and over. Stop creating excuses and commit to losing the weight and become the person you want to be.

People come up with many different fitness excuses to avoid a healthy lifestyle, the list goes on and on. These excuses just bring us down and diminish our potential. Creating excuses just teaches your brain that it is okay to not push for something you want. Now, this is the exact opposite advice we would give to a friend or family member. Losing weight is hard and it is a commitment no doubt, but that doesn't mean you cannot do it. You make plenty of other commitments in life. You commit to and go to work everyday. You commit to and in tend on going to parties after you R.S.V.P. You commit to and make sure you wake your children up for school each day. We don't make excuses for these commitments, so why should bettering ourselves be any different?
no excuses girl Whats your excuse?
You must convince yourself that you want to better yourself and lose weight. Make your mind strong first and your body will follow. Don't allow yourself to make those phony excuses. Pursue what you want! Think for your weight loss journey as a responsibility, just as import as any other responsibilities in your life. Raise the bar for yourself and then strive to reach it.

In order to keep those pesky excuses away continuously remind yourself why you are losing weight. Write down your goals and read them each day or write down how you progressed each night before bed. Listen to song that gets you pumped up to push hard and hit the gym. Also, make sure you have a great support system. Have someone to ask you, "How's the gym and diet going?" once a week or find a person who will take on this responsibility with you. If you have a partner you can support one another on the days when one of you is having a hard time. Don't ever forget the reason why you are doing all of this. Imagine yourself when you have reached your goals to remind yourself that it is most definitely worth all the hard work you are putting in now.

Fitness Excuses hurt you, not help you. You are in control of them and do not need them. You want to lose weight and become healthy to better yourself and you have the power to do that. In the end, if you make excuses you will not get results and if you get results you will not make excuses. Your choice.

Fitness excuses kill your results and now its time to drop those excuses. The best way to do that is get into a group setting or peer group. Want more tips and to be held accountable? Head on over to to get more tips, secrets and education.

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Weight Loss Motivation: WHY, HOW and WHEN

It would come as no surprise that one of the questions I am often asked is, What are some of the motivational tips you provide to clients to stay motivated and focused in order to achieve their weight loss goals? There are many... but the best way I can answer this question is to say there's a WHY, HOW and WHEN as relates to weight loss motivation.

chesleyshrinking:    hello&#8212;healthy:    i&#8217;ve finally lost 100 pounds!  healthy eating + exercise + moderation + a positive attitude + consistency = weight loss. that&#8217;s the only &#8220;secret&#8221; there is :)THE WHY

As far as I'm concerned, the #1 tip-and, really, the only tip that matters-that I give to everyone to stay motivated on their weight loss journey is: Ask yourself why you began? What was the catalyst to begin in the first place? Was it that you are tired of feeling ashamed or embarrassed of how you look? Was it that you don't like to go out and, therefore, feel socially isolated? Was it that you hate going shopping being able to only buy clothes that cover you up instead of clothes you'd like to wear? Is it problems in intimacy with a spouse or partner? Is it to set an example for your children who are also overweight and you want to instill some new habits in the household? Is it because you refuse to be in photographs because you hate the way you look and there are special events coming up-a wedding, a prom, a milestone birthday, etc.-and you won't be able to avoid being in photos? Is it because you were diagnosed with diabetes? Had a bout with cancer? Started to snore and have to wear a CPAP? Having problems with infertility? Lack of mobility preventing you from playing with grandchildren? From traveling? From enjoying activities you used to be able to do?... and on and on and on.

For most people, the answer would be "yes" to many of these questions. I encourage people to write down on a piece of paper all the reasons they need to lose weight to get slim and healthy; to keep that paper in their wallet and add to the list if necessary; and to look at it whenever they feel they're about to go off track. Weight loss motivation is about desire (the why), not willpower.


Tip #2: How are you going to get through each day without a plan? The answer: You can't.

You have to take a look at your schedule at least one day in advance.
See where you have to be and at what time. The office all day? A haircut appointment? An afternoon of household errands?
Plan your entire day: meals and snacks.
Portion control your servings.
Pack what you've planned.
Pace your eating (no more than 3 hours without food)
Planning + Portioning + Packing + Pacing = Perfect day

When you do this, you will never have to look anywhere else or worry about where you're going to get what you need. It's with you.

Goal + Plan + Follow-through = Success


Tip #3: For most people, especially those with excessive amounts of weight and a longer journey to the finish line, it's not a matter of if they will go 'off;' it's a matter of when. I encourage my clients to set benchmarks: to plan dates in advance (one date at a time) where they will purposely 'plan to indulge' instead of 'cheat'-and there's a very big difference between the two. Why do I do this?

People who have weight to lose aren't going to go from overweight or obese to a healthy slim in a straight line. Most overweight/obese people have tried countless times to lose weight, and when we meet them in our offices for the first time they are anxious about another word: NEVER-that they'll never be able to have a drink; that they'll never be able to have a slice of pizza or a piece of chocolate cake, and so forth. Not true. It would be wonderful if someone had the strength, the fortitude, the stick-to-itiveness to get to a healthy weight loss goal in a perfectly straight line, but it's not reality!

Let's face it: The word 'cheat' can never be used in a positive way (for example, cheating on a spouse, cheating on an exam, cheating on your taxes), and so it is with weight loss as well.

So, first, a 'cheat' scenario: A cheat meal is when, after making all kinds of excuses and rationalizing a bunch of bullshit as to why you should, you allow yourself something that you would normally abstain from while dieting... basically, all the things that got you fat in the first place! You let your short-term urge take precedence over a longer-term goal. You give in, and for the few seconds of chewing, as soon as that 'cheat' food or liquid gets out of your mouth and into your stomach, you feel like crap. Guilt. Remorse. Why did I do that? You may feel bloated, clothes a little tighter. When that happens, most often that one mistake takes you off course for the entire rest of the day or evening, and you try to convince yourself you'll get back on track in the morning. Instead, you wake up the next morning still feeling badly about what you did the day before, and you find it hard to get back on track and in the zone. This is the result of 'cheating.'

On the other hand, 'planning to indulge' is the when of your weight loss goals.

The 'planned indulgence' scenario: I encourage clients to pick a date on the calendar (a special event, an anniversary dinner, a wedding, a college reunion), for an on-purpose planned indulgence of some sort (not a total pig-out): a couple of drinks; a slice of cheesecake, perhaps with two forks to share with a spouse or friend; a slice of pizza. With a date in the near distance to target and look forward to, the word 'never' is removed. They are even more mindful in their planning and eating leading up to that targeted date. In so doing, and in almost all cases, they have very nice weight loss in between these planned indulgence intervals.

The targeted event comes. They follow through with the plan to indulge, and they enjoy every minute of it, knowing they worked towards it, they earned it. They had a great time. They were in control, had a plan, from the moment they put that planned indulgence date on the calendar. They have zero guilt or remorse. They get up in the morning in a great state of mind, and are ready to put another 'starred date' on the calendar for a month or so out. Then, they get right back on track.

In summation:

Tip #1: Keep a list of why you want/need to lose weight. Keep it with you, and look it at as often as necessary, and add to it as often as is necessary, as a reminder of what you're shooting for. (The WHY)

Tip #2: If you fail to plan, you'll plan to fail. Simple as that. You'll get the results from the actions you take. (The HOW)

Tip #3: Don't cheat. Plan to indulge, but remember: Not every event is a special event. Pick and choose your battles. (The WHEN)

I am passionate about helping my clients become slim and healthy. I publish a weekly blog and podcast to educate and motivate on all issues related to #weightloss, #obesity, health and wellness, diet and lifestyle change.

Visit me at

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When You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail

donkeyYou've heard over and over again how a food diary is the most powerful proven aid for dieters, that those who keep a food diary lose more weight. And that's true. But, food diaries are also a very important tool for those who have lost weight and need to keep it off, as well as for those who are slim and who want to stay that way!

While there are those who recommend you 'record' what you eat throughout the day (as in eat, record; eat, record), I don't. In my offices, based on how much weight a client needs to lose, or based on the weight a successful client is trying to maintain, they have a certain amount of food that they must eat every day, and it is not possible for them (or you) to have a plan only in their heads, record each item of food they eat as they go along, and then hope it all works out at the end of the day. No, sorry... that doesn't work even with the best of intentions. When clients do that one of two things always happen: (1) They eat too much; or (2) They eat too little. Either scenario is the formula for weight gain. And, on those occasions when a client waited until the end of the day to record everything they ate during the day, they only recorded what they remembered they ate; I'm interested in knowing what they didn't remember they ate!

With my clients, I use the word 'plan.' I teach clients to plan in advance at least one day at a time, but 2 or 3 is better, especially during the work week. When you do that, you are telling yourself what your intentions are, based on your schedule, for an entire day at a time. You can see what you need to eat and at what time; you can prepare it in advance, pack it and bring it with you; and follow through for a successful eating day.

Here are 8 other benefits of planning your food diary in advance:

Menu planning saves a ton of time in the supermarket. This is because when you know what you want your meals and snacks to be, those food items become your grocery list. So, instead of walking up and down each aisle of the supermarket trying to figure out what you might be in the mood to eat over the next few days-or rather than buying a whole lot of stuff with no rhyme or reason and then over the course of the next few days trying to get those items into your plans-you know exactly where in the supermarket you need to be in order to get those items into your shopping cart. You head directly for those items, and before you know it, you're on the check-out line.
Menu planning allows for advanced food prep of your meals and snack items. You can chop your veggies, make some salads, and season and store (or cook and refrigerate) some fish, poultry and meat items.
Menu planning prevents "calorie amnesia"-the forgetfulness that leads to weight gain (or to rebound weight gain after successful weight loss). As I said above, it's not what you can easily recall that will sabotage your efforts; it's what you DON'T recall that WILL.
Menu planning helps you develop greater self-discipline. You WILL think twice about eating anything other than what you had planned, especially junk food-and especially if someone checks your diary regularly. It keeps you honest!
A diary document can help you to identify moods, situations and events that lead to excessive eating of unwanted calories. You can then plan to overcome or avoid them. When/if you do go 'off' or eat something you shouldn't have, be honest with yourself and write it on that day's journal.
Having a diary also serves as the document on which you can record your weight a couple times a week. In my offices, we record losses and gains on clients' diaries so they can see the results they get from the actions they take! You can do the same. Additionally, retaining your diaries with weight losses and gains also gives you an opportunity to repeat good days and avoid the bad ones.
Planned daily menus give you a look-back at your habits: what you're eating too much of, and what you may not be eating at all. It gives you an opportunity to know when to shake things up.
Planned daily menus serves as a check system for your weight loss counselor and, of course, your physician, to assess your progress and to make recommendations, changes, etc.
I offer my clients two diaries from which to choose (links to both are at my web site): A paper version or a custom electronic version, the latter which automatically totals the number of servings in each of the food groups as they plug them in. You do not have to be a client to print out the paper diary or to use the electronic diary, so feel free to do so.)

Folks, I can't stress enough how important daily menu planning is. As busy as I am, I work as hard to stay slim as my clients do to get slim. I know what it's like to be overweight, and I have no intentions of ever going back that way again. So, for me, it is worth the time a couple times a week to sit down and plan out my days: If I'm working in my NJ office, I know I have to plan one way. If I'm traveling to my Brooklyn or Long Island offices and have to account for long drives, and possibly a dinner-sandwich in the car, I plan another way. I not only plan my meals and snacks, but I also plug in the times that I know I will have them, never allowing more than 3 hours to go by without eating something. This advance planning becomes my household's grocery list, and I go about doing all the prep work (chopping veggies, and making pre-measured 1-cup servings of veggie snacks, for example). Then, I pack everything up the night before so that in the morning, after breakfast, I only have to grab-and-go.

You can lose weight and keep it off only if you have the right tools (and support), and menu planning is not only one of the right tools but it's also the best predictor of weight loss. The more food diaries you keep, the more weight you will lose.

Lastly, let me say this: The most perfectly written diaries don't mean a thing if they don't reflect the facts of the scale. When a client hands me a diary that was well written and well planned (and sometimes written in ink because they were sure it would be so perfect the first time they wouldn't need to make changes or updates!), and then the scale shows they've gained 3 lbs, well, clearly, what the diary shows they planned to eat isn't exactly what they ate. Therefore, if there is ANY additional eating to what your plans call for, here's what I tell my clients:

If you bite it, write it.
If you nibble it, scribble it.

If you snack it, track it.

Grab your pencil before your utensil!

I am passionate about helping my clients become slim and healthy. I publish a weekly blog and podcast to educate and motivate on all issues related to #weightloss, #obesity, health and wellness, diet and lifestyle change.

Visit me at

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