How to Find Your Beach Body!

"You get out of life what you put in!" - How many times have you heard this not so ground breaking but obvious statement?

Like many things in life, we don't like hearing it because it's the truth. Let's face it, there is never much excitement in the truth.

'Work hard, you'll reap the rewards, train hard you'll reap the benefits.' Again... boring.

But what if you're after a Beach Body but don't fancy going to the gym? What if you want a Beach Body and still enjoy food?

Don't worry, you're not alone, I'm confident that 50% of the female population feels the same. Most women dream of an effortlessly toned and defined 'Beach Body.'

But that's where the dream stops.
Not the Beach Body dream, but the part about it being effortless. Remember, you get out what you put in!

So if you're on a mission to lose weight but every cardio and fat inch loss machine in your local commercial gym is your enemy...

Turn to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

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Because Brazilian Jiu Jitsu commonly referred to as BJJ is exactly what you are looking for.

How can I say that? Because if you have read this far then I guarantee that you're just like me.

Like me, in my lifetime I've mentally prepped myself 100 times to join the gym. I joined 5 times. Within 2 months I had discontinued. Sound familiar?

Some called me lazy and others said I had commitment issues. Pretty analytical stuff considering my reasons were so simple. I hated going because of how it made me feel.

Every year some new flashy commercial gym would open up it's doors nearby and every year I'd sign-up in a bid to get that Beach Body in time for summer. I never succeeded.

Each I walked into those gyms I was living a nightmare. I'd change into my super tight, zero flattering training gear to be stared at. Was made it worse were those floor length wall mirrors that doubled the pairs of eye on me. By the time my actual work out came around, my anxiety had been built to the stage where I secretly wished for the ground to open up and swallow me up.

Why I subjected myself to that misery is beyond me but when I thought 'Beach Body', I immediately thought of a big brand commercial gym.

So having joined and left every gym almost in the vicinity of my dwelling you can imagine how happy I was when I heard a new gym was opening. Finally, a chance to redeem myself and get that Beach Body!

But this was no ordinary gym. No tight clothed people, no floor length mirrors... could I really find my Beach Body here?

I walked in to be greeted by people making eye contact with me. Not looking at my body. I felt welcome. Not judged or unworthy, this place was legit. I filled in some paperwork and had a conversation about... me. Who I was, what I did, what I wanted to achieve. Not about how far I could run or my bench press, but about me.

Then I got changed and no-one looked at me. That's right, not even one person glanced my way. I was given a BJJ Kimono to wear known as a GI and everyone else had one on too. No matter how great or not so great your physique, no-one could tell.

After a brief warm-up, I watched Master Nick Brook (3 time BJJ World Champion & 5 time BJJ European Champion) perform a technique. I practised with all the students of all different belt rankings.

There is no hierarchy system. Granted - There are some students' better others but that is to be expected.

But there is a clear understanding and respect that for progress to take place all students must train with one another regardless of their ranking. This is no place for ego's or arrogance. Thankfully that is left at the door along with the super tight workout gear.

In my short journey so far with BJJ, my body is changing and mindset is changing. My body is more toned and defined. These techniques are pushing my confidence through the roof, and the best part is that my Beach Body is finally in sight.

So what are you waiting for?

The search for a solution to finding your Beach Body ends here. The Roger Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy based in Milton Keynes is now OPEN. If you are looking for a fun way to get fit with not a machine in sight then look no further and immediately contact us to secure your place today.
Click this link to book your first free class!

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