I Want To Get Rid Of My Belly for Summer - What Do I Do?

As an endurance athlete folks often ask for advice as if I were some sort of personal trainer guru. I don't mind, in a way it's a complement and a testament to my physical condition and health. Not long ago, I was asked by a gal at Starbucks, who happened to be sipping on a 780 calorie Frappachino with whip cream, and extra pumps of syrup and drizzle. I was polite but firm, I didn't want to pretend what she was doing right at that moment was part of her problem with obesity. Let's talk, you see, this is the advice I gave her;

First, I hate to recommend this because I know it will be hard at first, but you have to ditch the bread, except multigrain wheat, and go easy on that even. If you drink sugary drinks or juice ditch those, sodas, cut down to only two a day. Pasta noodles, stop the flour noodles. Use real butter never margarine. Cakes, cookies and ice cream only one time per week, and try not to overdo it. Cereal -- go multigrain on that too, hot cereal, honey and cinnamon, no sugar. Y

You can eat unlimited fruits and vegetables, no limit, no juicing of fruit, only blended leaving the fruit fiber, if you have a favorite fruit juice you can mix in there. Add all the super foods into your diet, try to stay under 2500 calories per day. Walk 3.2 miles per day, then when you feel you are getting lighter, every other or third day double up on the 3.2 miles, one in morning one in evening, this way we don't blow out your knees.

Fill your refrigerator with all the Super Foods, add Tumeric spice and black pepper to your diet, if you want to use salt, don't, put those two instead in combination, this prevents inflammation, and some of that could be what you think is belly fat but isn't. Read up on Diabetes, and whatever the best foods are for onset diabetes add those into your diet too. Too many years of living outside your BMI especially with all the crap they put in foods puts you into the high-risk category. Only eat grass fed beef, or you need to take K-2 vitamin for a supplement.

And for heaven's sake - chill out on those 500+ Frappachino drinks every day - how about once a week or the small size every other day? Think on this.

Lance Winslow is an Online Author, his latest eBook are on Self Help Topics. Lance Winslow is semi-retired and Founder of the Online Think Tank http://www.WorldThinkTank.net - You may contact Lance Winslow by email for dialogue, discourse, discussion, or debate on interesting topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lance_Winslow/5306

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