What Is Inflammation & How It Affects You

OK..OK I may have been unfair to inflammation by calling it a villain. In order to keep this article a reasonable size I will split inflammation into two sides, one side that is good and one side that is bad so I can explain what it is and how our bodies use it to help us as well as how we create it and attack our bodies. Inflammation, as stated before, is actually used by the body to help the body when it is trying to repair itself. Let's say you are running in the park, you trip and cut yourself on a small rock on the running path. The cut is not bad, just a small cut, but your flesh is exposed and now you begin to bleed. Within minutes the area begins to puff up a bit, you look at it and think well it's not that bad but inside of your body you have a team of white blood cells all over the job. The white blood cells on the scene act as bouncers at the club and stop all bacteria and infections from entering the body through this cut until the blood clots and a gives way to a scab so that new cells can grow and repair the torn tissue all the while you have all ready went inside the house and put a band-aid on thinking that you did all the hard work. GIVE THE BODY SOME CREDIT MAN/WOMAN!!! (Though adding aid to your wound does greatly help the body in this process and reduce recovery time... So you deserve some credit for that.) This is when inflammation plays the hero but like every hero there is a side we don't see. A side the hero may not even know exists until it shows itself.

CHAPTER 2   Inflammation        (5 OBJECTIVES)1) (Concept) Understand the chain, progression, or sequence of vascular and ...Now let us talk about the dark side of the moon. There are cases when the body uses inflammation when the process is not needed and this can really cause havoc for your body. Inflammation that attacks the body for no external reason can end in some type of arthritis. Arthritis is a painful inflammation and stiffness of the joint(s). I feel like a lot of my readers are thinking to themselves that this is an old person's disease but allow me to correct you. Arthritis did and does affect older people however more cases of arthritis in younger people have been reported and does not seem to be slowing down. (I use the word "Older" in replacement for saying 45 and up and "Younger" for 44 and down.) Remember in the beginning I said how we create and attack our bodies? I was not trying to confuse you or anything. I would like to ask a question before we move on. What do people share in common among all ages? All people? Take a second to mull this riddle over... The thing we all share in common is the fact that we need to eat and we need to drink (and breathe). What we eat and drink vary and so do the results on the body. We will cover the drinking part in another article but in this one let us focus on what we eat. The list of things can be a bit long but I will touch on the things I feel most Americans may consume. The first one I will introduce is Sugar.

Sugar goes by many names like barley malt, sucrose, rice syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, or any of the other 56 names. I wonder why so many names for a sugar based compound? Consuming too much sugar can and does lead to inflammation. Knowing this and thinking about our present day foods you can begin to understand why inflammation is a problem within all age groups.

The next one is saturated fats. In previous articles we discussed how saturated fats can play the good guy and the bad guy. It is fairly easy to consume a high level of saturated fats in processed food and easy to become the side-kick to this inflaming villain. If you enjoy pizza like I do, then you should be warned that pizza and cheese are easy ways to consume high levels of saturated fats.

Next in line are the Trans fats. If you read the previous articles we discussed this one too. Trans fats are not needed at all in any diet. When people are thinking fats are not good for you these are the fats everyone is talking about. To be honest processed sugars and trans fats are two inflaming villains you should try to identify and lessen or outright cut out if possible. If you eat a lot of fried and frozen foods you may want to consider changing things up.

The last one I will talk about in this article is refined carbohydrates. Refined carbs have their benefits but you should be aware of this guy since too much can lead to it becoming an agent of inflammation. Refined carbs are found in white breads, white rice, instant mashed potatoes and other flour based products.

This should be a good foundation of inflammation knowledge so I will stop the article here. I hope you have read and understood the information in this article. You should know what inflammation is and have a general knowledge base about it. Thank you for reading.

If you enjoyed this article please visit my website for more information. http://www.vitalitykings.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Brandon_Walton/2309357

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