What Makes You Fat and How To Avoid It?

The good and bad news as many of you may know, is that fat doesn't make you fat. Excess carbohydrates high in sugar, lead to subsequent weight gain. What is the relationship between exercise vs. nutrition in losing and maintaining weight? As you age, increasing your exercise demands to meet the calories in calories out theory is fraught with danger. Excess exercise during your later years, causes stress related effects on the body; leading to catabolic (breakdown of muscle) function.
These Foods Make You Fat And Bloat Your Stomach! AVOID EATING THEM!
If your aim is to lose weight, there is one feasible option left; eat less food via portion control. Whilst not a radical idea, put to practice this remains one of the most challenging behaviour people face these days. In both my experience and work in the area suggests a number of reasons why people overeat. The most compelling is attributed to the role emotions play in relation to food consumption.

Avoiding Getting Fat

Think back for a moment to a distressing event which occurred in your life recently? It may have been relationship related, work or school. What did you do to console yourself to get through the event? I'm certain there are many people nodding their heads affirming their embrace of food as a means of comfort.

Emotions play a key role in the way you manage your health during times of stress. You typically understand how comforting food can be during such times. So what is one to do you ask? Certainly it is inevitable that you'll be faced with stress related situations throughout your life. It's important that you understand how to steer your way through the perils of becoming engulfed by your emotions for this reason.

My suggestion is the following. Be mindful when you eat. Letting go of distractions in your environment becomes paramount, since this inhibits your connection with your food. When I say connection, I'm talking about being mindful and aware of how much food you're putting into your mouth during meals.

When viewing TV whilst eating, one tends to orientate themselves toward the show they're watching and less on the food before them. Your mind wanders; going into a subconscious state as you eat. You're more inclined to overeat, as you overlook the fullness signals your body communicates. Being present means being attuned to your body's cues and feelings. This is known as interoception.

The other useful strategy is paying attention to your emotions. Do NOT eat when you're emotional. Read that phrase again and commit it to memory. It is vital that you understand your body's emotional response mechanism. Knowing your emotional constitution allows you to navigate your way out of preeminent danger associated with overeating. Recognising your behavioural patterns with a view of altering it is a useful strategy for long term success.

My suggestion is not to turn to food as comfort during emotional turbulence. It's for this reason I advocate and write articles; educating people in understanding their emotions with a view to personal growth. In doing so, you become aware and awake to face most situations life presents you. You remain calm and still through turbulent times; since your inner world is not affected by your outer world experiences.

Your knowledge and relationship with your body is a journey. Part of that journey means you'll undoubtedly make wrong choices, leading you off your path. You needn't concern yourself that you've lost your way. You're merely learning what NOT to do along a journey spanning numerous detours.

Remain calm and poised during difficult times. Learn from your mistakes. Become aware of things that work and those that don't. In a short time, you'll be armed with the wisdom to plot a course to the life of your dreams, in a body radiating vibrant health and vitality.

In either case, you get to choose your journey and destination. Appreciate that the journey is far more compelling and rewarding than the destination. Chose wisely; choose patiently.

If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tony_Fahkry/837610

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