Who Cares If You Lose Weight Or Are Sick?

It is not uncommon for many people to be taking multiple medications for three or four decades, so you are not only a regular source of income for your doctor, and pharmacist but the pharmaceutical companies have you locked in for the rest of your life.

Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in you if you are well or if you are dead. But at the mere mention of the word sick they are salivating.

In the world of marketing a business owner is often asked to calculate the life time value of a client, to determine how much should be spent on marketing a product or service.

So lets say at age 40 your cholesterol is up a bit, so you will need to be on a statin for the rest of your life, plus your blood pressure creeps up, now you are on blood pressure meds, next come the anti-inflammatories for your aching joints and a large number of people will also be treated for diabetes and or depression.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Who Cares If You Lose Weight Or Are Sick?‬‏In addition, many ladies will be offered hormone replacement therapy and some men will want testosterone or Viagra.

These days it is usual for many people to be taking multiple medications on any day. Any one medication will have effects and side effects, but by the time you are taking three or more then no one can predict what will be going on inside you.

And chances are if you don't end up in hospital you will be further medicated for your new problems.

This picture is very common in the western world and now we see China India and Japan follow suite. As their diets are becoming westernised plus new strains of rice which seem to be causing the diabetes epidemic.

The big message here is that you are not a bi-stander watching your health slide ever downwards. You can jump right in start to quickly and dramatically change your health.

Every day you feed your body on average 3 times plus snacks. Your diet is the most important place to start. If you are loading your system with junk your body is constantly in struggle mode and as you age you fail, faster and faster.

The big hidden problems are grains, providing not solid nutrition but a big hit of glucose with each meal or tasty snack, leaving you fat, sick and inflamed, stop the sugars, grains and processed foods and soon some of those medications will no longer be necessary.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ian_Newton/300020

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