What Is The Best Way To Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels?

We all know about good ol' testosterone, right? It's the hormone that makes a man a man (though, yes, women have some, too), and it is essential for developing and maintaining muscle mass. It also plays a big part in burning off fat! Just as women have hormone replacement therapy, men have treatments available for low testosterone levels. This is not what we are discussing here. Your body's at its peak T at age 20, and then it slowly declines, reducing by 1 percent each year starting at around age 40. This is a completely natural and predictable process.

As a result of the dropping testosterone levels, men over 40 have difficulty gaining or maintaining muscle mass and definition they had in their youths, seemingly without even trying, even though they are exercising. There are medical solutions and there are numerous over the counter testosterone "boosters". Is there a way or ways to naturally stimulate testosterone production? What is the best way to boost testosterone production naturally? Luckily, you can stave off the process-and even boost your testosterone, by how you work out. AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT LADIES, TESTOSTERONE IS THE HORMONE THAT WILL HELP YOU BURN FAT! AND, NO, YOU WON'T BULK UP OR GROW A BEARD!

In general, all types of exercise stimulate the release and production of testosterone, but there is data that suggests that lifting weights and high-intensity work might stimulate the greatest release of testosterone." Pretty much any and all resistance work WILL RAISE YOUR TESTOSTERONE! The best lifts are "compound exercises, using multiple major muscle groups at the same time.

"For men who have low testosterone, exercise alone probably won't raise their levels enough to make a difference in how they feel, says endocrinologist Scott Isaacs, MD, of Emory University. But he says for men whose testosterone level is on the borderline between normal and low, "I think it's going to have a much more potent effect."

When it comes to cardio, long, slow distance (LSD), such as everlasting jogging sessions, may have a negative effect on testosterone levels, while short duration, high intensity exercises which ENGAGE YOUR ENTIRE BODY, produce the most testosterone and therefore, burn the most fat long-term. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research published recent work showing that "High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can actually increase testosterone levels and GLUT4 (an important fuel for contracting muscle) concentration. Steady-state cardio, has as I wrote earlier, the exact opposite effect... "

Also for both men and women, as we age, a slighter higher testosterone level will also make you feel more energised. So for higher testosterone levels, naturally, hit the weights hard and heavy and the cardio, hard and fast!.

If you want exercise advice feel free to email me at cdrgrimes@gmail.com or message me on Facebook. You can also see my exercise videos there. To get the secret of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight go to http://tinyurl.com/healthy60

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Clint_Grimes/753096

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