The Best Punching Bag Workouts to Get Ripped

Working out with a punching bag, is one of the best kinds of workouts you can do. It will increase your strength, agility, and stamina. It meshes together cardio and weight training all in one. It's an absolute killer on your muscles and great for your heart. Here is a great routine to try out, while you train on your punching bag.

Top Heavy Bag Workouts

The good thing about a heavy bag, is its heavy. It allows you to work your muscles and build strength up. Hitting the bag constantly will work your lungs and heart. Follow this workout, to get you into fighting shape

Hard Jabs

Reps: 10 each arm, with no rest in between

Hit the bag with a hard jab, alternate arms after each jab.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪The Best Punching Bag Workouts to Get Ripped‬‏
Reps: 10 each knee, with no rest in between

Hold the bag in a Muay Thai clinch, and drive your knee into the bag, do one leg at a time.


Reps: 10 each arm, with no rest in between

Hit the bag with hooks, alternate arms after each hook, throw hooks as fast as you can with good form.

High Kicks

Reps: 10 each leg, with no rest in between

Kick the bag with high kicks around the stomach and head area. Step back and kick.


Reps: 10 each arm, with no rest in between

Continuously uppercut the bag.

Low Kicks

Reps: 10 each leg, with no rest in between

Hit the bag with kicks, lower body shots are what you should aim for.

Punching bag workouts are a lot more fun than hitting up a cardio machine. How do you think fighters get in shape so easily, they use their entire body and use all their muscles. By hitting a heavy bag on a regular basis, you will force your body to become a fat burning machine. So buy a hanging or freestanding bag and get to sweating.

The reason why these workouts burn so much more fat than regular workouts, is because it is high intensity and you have resistance. Combining the two makes for a high interval, high intensity workout. These types of workouts raise your metabolism and it makes your body burn more calories throughout the day.

Normal workouts only burn calories during the workout. This is why fighters are a lot more condition and a lot more lean, than other types of athletes.

If you are looking to get into boxing, check out Heavy Puncher for the best heavy punching bags.

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