The Secret to Weight Loss Success - Goal Setting

When it comes to losing weight the most important step a person can take is to set realistic goals! You probably already have a combination of goals such as, exercise, weight loss, calorie intake, etc. Having a goal in any area of your life is important because it helps keep you motivated, so naturally you should put some careful thought into them!

Always make your goals your own and align them with your own likes and dislikes, this way you are more likely to succeed. It is possible to achieve anything that you truly desire, but when it comes to goal setting, set yourself up for success by keeping your goals realistic!

Try to keep your goals small at first until you get into the habit of achieving those goals. However, don't go to small because if you aren't excited by your goals you are less likely to achieve them! Just remember to stay flexible in your approach because you can always adjust your goals at a later stage.

Start with the end in mind

Your focus should always be on the end goal like your ideal body weight, this helps you stay motivated instead of resistant to the work needed to achieve those goals. When you set your ultimate end in mind goals it gives a target to aim for instead just running around in circles hopping to achieve your goals! Setting up long-term goals helps to set the frame work for short-term goals.

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These are the short-term or daily goals such as the steps you are going to take every day. Most people who complete this step correctly find that the long-term goals take care of themselves! It is really important to have these types of goals because helps to build success one step at a time.

Inspiration goals

Let's face it, sometimes losing weight can be a real 'grind'! So set mini goals like, "I'll eat just one fruit today" this way you can start tasting the feeling of success one step at a time! Your mental attitude will be a big factor in losing weight so make sure to keep inspired when you can.

Reward yourself

I know what it is like to change your lifestyle, it can be really hard! So if you accomplish your weight loss goals for the week reward yourself, with a cheat meal like pizza or a cheesy burger. Just remember it's a cheat meal not a cheat day!

At the end of the day losing weight is about what you do day by day, that gets you to your ultimate goals. Don't look too far ahead when you are planning your goals but make sure to commit yourself! And if you mess up remember that there is always tomorrow to correct your mistakes!

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words he says, "I used to be overweight until people started making rude comments and that is when decided that enough is enough, and lost the weight for good!" He has been at his goal weight for the last 10 years and has never looked back!

You can visit his blog at:

You can pick up a free copy of his latest book, 'Fat Burning Furnace' by visiting:

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