Discover Ways Pregnancy Discomfort Can Be Alleviated With A Lawrenceville Chiropractor

By Harriett Simington

Chiropractic is centered on the premise that when the spine is not properly aligned, pressure is placed on the nervous system. Health problems usually result when nerve signals are not transmitted correctly. Chiropractic utilizes advanced techniques and technologies to properly align the spine, activating the body's natural healing processes. An alternative to traditional medicine, chiropractic procedures are non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical. Safe for the whole family, chiropractic can effectively alleviate the pain and discomfort that many women experience during pregnancy.

Pregnancy causes drastic changes in a woman's body, including changes to the musculoskeletal system. The growing fetus lies forward, causing shifts in the woman's center of gravity. The spine adjusts to accommodate the shift. Additionally, hormonal changes cause ligaments to loosen, often resulting in pain. Roughly half of all pregnant women experience lower back pain, especially during the last trimester when the baby's head presses downward. A Lawrenceville chiropractor successfully identifies and corrects pregnancy-related spinal misalignments to mitigate pain.

Chiropractic care during this time can work for other things beside spinal discomfort. Studies suggest that women who are seeing chiropractors during their pregnancies tend to have shorter labor and delivery times.

If you experience back pain after pregnancy, you might want to consult a chiropractic professional about getting your body back into its pre-pregnancy shape. Ligaments that have loosened during the process usually realign themselves a couple of months or so after delivery.

Your first visit will probably consist of your professional asking you for your complete medical history. He or she may perform a complete physical exam. Once the problem has been pinpointed, your practitioner can come back to you with recommendations about going forward. At this point, you have the option of accepting all the suggestions or deciding you want to begin slowly and then determine how you will proceed with future appointments.

Pregnancy can be a difficult time for many women. With the help of an experienced professional, keeping active and staying comfortable may be a little easier.

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