Why You Should Avoid Reality TV Shows About Diets Or Weight Loss

Weight loss is not easy and if anyone tells you anything different they are either liars, stupid or trying to sell you some gizmo.

Weight loss reality television shows are incredibly misleading. They are like home renovation shows that show the carpenter quickly whipping up a set of drawers implying that anyone can do it quickly. I've seen one such show being made and I can tell you they have a team of tradesmen behind the on screen celebrity.

The biggest loser is a show that is not only misleading it is potentially harmful to the participants and anyone watching it at home. For a start the show is filmed over a longer period of time than it is indicated, the contestants and virtually starved and they exercise for hours every day.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪TV Shows About Diets Or Weight Loss‬‏Plus they are motivated by a big payday if they win. So how much of that can you duplicate? Most biggest loser contestant regain their weight.

However there is another programme that is much more annoying and I believe more harmful to those who are trying to eat well. The British show where they take a group of local celebrities and put them on a farm where they are not allowed to eat sugar.

In all the promotions the contestants are being wound up and stressed, some are crying and all are focussed on how hard it will be to give up their beloved sugar. If you believe that you will get what you expect out of life then these people will get a lot of pain.

We have to remember that this is television, the drama is scripted and the players are contestants either seeking to win a prize for themselves or in the case of celebrities for a charity. These programmes do not reflect real life, so if you choose to watch them do not let them influence you in any way. Better still don't watch them.

A reality show is no different to an info commercial selling some weight loss device that if used with a super low calorie diet will cause you to magically lose weight. Both should be avoided at all cost.

In fact very little you hear on television will ever help you. Current affairs programmes seem to have a new diet one week and a new way to relieve pain the next and they keep rolling them through on and on.

Whether or not they work is of little interest to them, it's about filling a time slow with an emotionally based story which they can promote and drag in plenty of viewers.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ian_Newton/30

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