Develop a Relationship With Your Body

Hopefully we maintain lasting and continued relationships with our family, loved ones and friends. We phone them up from time to time and meet regularly to spend quality time with them. This energises us and brings comfort and meaning to our lives. The same is also true with our bodies. We must make time to develop a similar relationship of giving and receiving in relation to our health and wellbeing.

When I talk about developing a relationship, I am talking about fostering a process of union and understanding. It becomes a two way street, not just continually giving our bodies toxic foods, thoughts, alcohol and other external factors. We begin to listen to the needs of our body. The body speaks in the most subtlest of ways. Take note of the aches and pains in your body when they arise. It is suggested as much as 70% of our pain, illness and disease manifests when we're out of alignment with our highest state.

If you've suddenly developed back pain for no reason, having never experienced back pain before then look to the emotions that may contribute this pain. According to Dr John Sarno who wrote Healing Back: The Mind Body Connection, anger and anxiety are at play when we develop back that isn't the result of a mechanical weakness. He suggests that we examine what current events in our lives have contributed to our pain by working toward removing whatever emotion shows up.

Since my background is in post rehabilitation, I have seen a number of clients over the years who qualified in this category. Many had recently undergone a stressful time in their lives and subsequently repressed a great deal of the emotion associated with the pain. When one represses the emotion, the body seeks to find expression somehow. Recall earlier we mentioned that an emotion is simply energy in motion. It is seeking an outlet as a means to bring healing or awareness to our current mental state.

When we identify with the toxic emotion, we allow an avenue for it to find expression, thus neutralising the emotion. It no longer needs to find a place in our body, since we identified and addressed that main cause of the emotion. When the emotion is causing us pain, it is inviting us to take a look at it and deal with whatever is going on in our lives. It is asking us to stop burying whatever we are not dealing with and face our demons so to speak. If we choose to ignore it, over time the emotion will grow as you allow it a negative energy.

Imagine the metaphor of two people pulling on a rope, standing over a bottomless pit. The more energy you give the emotion, the more it will push back on you, until you are pulled into the pit. By then, it is difficult to navigate your way back out since you are in over your head. It is dark at the bottom of the pit and there is no one to help you. This is what it feels like when you resist your emotions.

It requires some deal of self awareness as you look within to find the source of your problems. Some suggestions when examining the emotions may include looking at recent traumatic events in your life. This may include events such as relationship breakups, quitting or fired from your job, the death of a loved one, loss of money. Every person will have a different breaking point than others. The key is to understand what makes you tick and navigating your way through to a peaceful solution. Sometimes the emotion merely wants you to identify with it and allow it expression. This may include being angry or sad and moving through it, rather than suppressing it.

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