Working Towards A Healthy, Balanced Diet

We are plagued with an endless list of lifestyle issues. If it is uncontrolled weight gain for some, it is insomnia for others and poor quality of life for a few. We look for instant cures everywhere not realizing that most health issues stem from eating unhealthy.

A balanced diet comprising the right food groups fortifies the body against disease. It also regulates physiological functions by providing the required amount of nutrition. In its absence, the body is rendered chaotic; an easy prey to disease. Now if you want to ward off illness and want to live healthy, you should aim for a balanced diet.

Here's how to achieve it.
healthy balance diet

Keep tabs on the calories

Caloric consumption is important to keep your weight in check. It shouldn't be too less or too much. The amount you consume depends on your age, gender and activity level. The recommended amount for women is 1500 calories and for men is 2000 calories. One good way to control calorie consumption is to break up the three meals of the day into smaller ones and switch to smaller food portions.


Proteins are the building blocks of your body; hence you need them in large quantities. Lean and low-fat proteins are the best food choice if you want to drop weight. They are low-calorie, but more filling. Milk and dairy products are the richest sources of protein in addition to calcium. The non-dairy sources of protein include meat, fish, eggs, nuts and beans. Avoid processed meats as they are laden with salt and fat.


Ask people how to lose weight and they will tell you to cut the carbs. Carbs are unhealthy in excess, but you cannot cut them out completely. They are your power house of energy. Complex carbs from whole grains, fruits and vegetables should make up majority of your carb intake. Skip the white flour and white rice. They don't do the body any good instead add calories.

Healthy fats

Not all fats are bad fats. It is the trans-fat and saturated fats that make you vulnerable to cardiac disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. This is the type you will find in processed meats, fatty cuts, chocolates, biscuits, cakes and pastries. Substitute these with the heart-healthy unsaturated fats namely Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. They are found in plenty in oily fish, walnuts and avocado.

Fried and processed food items are high in fat. Hence, they are best avoided.

Fruits and vegetables

Your platter needs to have a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support health in a variety of ways. They are also low in calories. It is more beneficial to consume the whole fruit rather than juice as it eliminates the fiber component. You can eat greens such as kale, spinach, broccoli and lettuces, sweeter vegetables such as sweet potato, carrots, beets and squash.

Don't forget water

Water is the most essential liquid for the body. It cleans the body by flushing out waste and disease-causing toxins.

Dish out your own meals

Sounds like a tall order in modern times, but it is the only way you can take charge of what you are eating.

No restrictive diets

With all aiming for a size zero, restrictive diets come across as the easiest and the fastest way to shed a few pounds. Restrictive diets are not healthy as they focus on only one food group and eliminate the rest. Also, by putting certain foods "off-limit", they only increase temptation making it harder to stick to a diet.

A Balanced diet lives up to its name. The mantra is to eat everything in moderation.

Article Source:'Souza/1830188

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