When Weight Loss Surgery Is Not an Option

You've noticed lately how your clothes don't fit as well as they should, and you have to stop for breath just climbing a flight of stairs. You feel tired and ill often, and your muscles ache from supporting the extra weight you have gained over time. While weight loss is definitely on the table, you might have recently discovered that weight loss surgery is not an option for you. If you know you have many pounds to go before reaching your weight loss goal - be it fifty, sixty, or more pounds - how can you achieve this without the assistance of surgery?

Let's take a moment, first, to consider the reasons why somebody who is seen as obese would not qualify for surgical weight loss. Typically, candidates must have a specific body mass index (BMI), and other factors come into play - age and medical history being the most important. If a doctor believes there would be risks involved in performing bariatric surgery, he is likely to advise alternate treatment. A reputable weight loss center can help you determine the proper path to take:

Eating schedules tailored to your weight loss goals. Not necessarily dieting, but a new way to look at eating which includes choosing healthier foods and preparing meals a certain way so you get the nutrition you need.
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪When Weight Loss Surgery Is Not an Option‬‏Exercise that is best suited for your health and condition. If you are new to fitness, you don't want to overdo things and risk injury or discouragement. Your weight management guides can help you with a custom routine.
Thoughtful planning when it comes to grocery shopping and cooking. Nutrition counselors can advise you on what to buy when stocking your pantry.
Adjustment of attitudes and beliefs attached to food. You need to explore why you eat, in addition to what and when. If food is tied in to certain emotions and events, it's important to know when to curb that activity so you don't experience relapses.
Improvement of self-esteem. Going into a program with a positive outlook is more beneficial to you in the long run. When you know how to dress well for your size, for example, you have a better chance at taking on challenges.
When weight loss surgery is not an option, there are ways to get down the pounds through supervised programs. Talk with a professional at your nearest weight management clinic for a sound plan of safe, gradual fat loss that is healthy and long-lasting.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on weight loss surgery and Virginia Beach hospitals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kathryn_Lively/19484

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