Weight Has Always Been A Struggle For Me

Weight has always been a struggle for me. It's the reason I started body building and entered into the fitness industry. To serve and help others with their struggles, as well as help them be the best that they can be. Fitness should not be about trying to look like an airbrushed cover page of Men's/Women's Health Magazine; it should be about a choice you make to live an active and healthy life.

As a child, I can remember, constantly being made fun of about my weight. I would come home and look in the mirror, disgusted with myself. Unfortunately, life had dealt me a slow metabolism; at least that is what I felt. There are skinny kids and heavy ones, and I was just one of the heavy ones. There are Jocks and then there was me. It was not until I made a conscious decision to change, that I started to feel better. Life does not deal you a bad hand. You need to be the dealer and you can choose what you want for your life.

A friend once told me, "A sin is a sin, and to be a glutton, is a sin. No different than being an alcoholic". As a Christian, I never looked at it that way. Why, because I did not want to believe that. America, it is time to get off the couch, turn the TV off and take care of our mind and body. Take a walk, do Crossfit®, powerlift, Olympic Lift, P90X™, dance, run, etc. It is not about your weight or size; it's about physical health and what you are putting in your body. It's about your mental well-being. So maybe you will never be a Champion body builder, or Rich Froning, The Crossfit® games fittest man in the world, 3 years running. You might not be an NFL player, or a model. What you will be is proud of yourself and the steps you are taking to make you better. Not because you have a washboard stomach, or because you've lost weight, but because you made a choice.

Life is a journey, what we need to remember, is there is not a perfect body. We are all perfect as God created us. Strong, beautiful, individuals who just need to be grateful for the gifts we have. The ability to walk, run, dance, Crossfit®, powerlift, etc., because there is always someone with a bigger disposition than you.

I have a customer, and every time he comes into the store, he makes me realize how lucky I am and how ungrateful I am. He is paralyzed in a wheel chair and is probably more active in Crossfit® as well as other training than most people I know or come in contact with. He is amazing!

One of the guys at the office has lost 50 lbs in least than three months, just because he made a conscious decision to go Paleo; again, amazing.

It is not until recently, that I am realizing, whether your hang up is binge eating, depression, low self-esteem, an injury, etc., the only thing stopping you from living a healthy life, is you and the choices you make. So join me. The next time you feel like eating just to eat, STOP! Use it as an opportunity to go do something like take a walk, ride a bike, do push-ups, etc. The next time you want to eat junk and poison your body, grab an apple or a banana. Put down the soda and drink water. If you go to the movies, take a healthy snack, and pass the snack bar. Trust me when I say, your body will thank you, and you will feel better about yourself, both mentally and physically.

I am making my choice, will you join me? https://christiansfitnessfactory.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christian_Sciarrino/1828745

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