Deconstructing 3 Myths About Strength Training For Women

You've heard all the marketing schemes about strength training. Every now and then, there comes a new fitness or exercise craze that promises you to be lean, toned and with a sexy flat belly in no time! Normally, strength training crazes don't recommend heavier weights for women. Then there's the superfoods craze as well that promises to flatten your belly and bulk up your butt. You'd basically be overloaded with information about strength training for women, but what you ought to do is deconstruct the myths and stick to what works.
  • Myth No. 1 - Women lifting heavy weights is a no-no. It'll make them bulky, not sexy. Take Gwyneth Paltrow's training routine, for instance. Her fitness trainer doesn't allow her to lift more than 3 lbs. of weight. Why? Because Gwyneth isn't supposed to get bulky. What does this mean in another perspective? Well, it's like saying that Gwyneth shouldn't lift the groceries or move a chair or practically do anything at all! The biggest myth in strength training is this: "Lifting heavy weights makes women bulky". But what newbies in nerd fitness don't know is that what women bodybuilders that grow bulky eat, train hard and take supplements. It's not about lifting heavy weights alone. The truth is, your muscles grow stronger, not bigger if you lift heavy weights. Getting lean and toned is a combination of lifting heavy things and eating a calorie deficit. Along with strength training, you have to eat healthy foods so that you'll burn fat and develop denser and stronger muscles.

  • Myth No. 2 - You can burn fat by doing spot reduction. Doing sit-ups and bends to burn belly fat is actually a waste of time. In fact, the results of these exercises would be contrary to what you're expecting. Doing side bends makes your side muscles stronger, in which case fat isn't necessarily burned and could possibly make you look bigger around the waist. The same thing with sit-up exercises. Training this way wouldn't burn your belly fat but it can cause lower back problems other than the fact that it is an incomplete workout. Spot reduction just doesn't work good enough in melting fat in specific locations of your body. If your arms are flabby, doing a thousand bicep curls won't make a difference, nor would a thousand of crunches have effects on your big stomach. If you want to make fat disappear, the key fitness program is to eat better. Fat loss happens in response to your diet. That is, 80-90% of fat that you burn depend on the foods that you eat. Don't do targeted exercises, but strength train using big compound movements. Use a lot of muscles when you lift weights.

  • Myth No. 3 - Doing cardio exercises will make you lose weight. You running on the treadmill for 4 hours sounds miserable? Well, you don't have to do it. Just because you've never run a mile doesn't mean you can't look lean, fit and sexy either. You can be healthy and look amazing even if you don't set foot on any cardio machine in the gym. If it makes you happy to jazzercise, or do aerobics and zumba at the gym, do it. But these aren't the ultimate way to lose weight. Don't even be surprised if you're not seeing any results. What will make your weight loss efficient, and is a totally better exercise to look fit, fab and healthy is strength training. Strength training breaks down and rebuilds your muscles in the following 24- 48 hours. And more calories and energy are used up when your body is rebuilding your muscles. Your metabolism actually works faster even when you're not doing any physical activity.
There goes 3 myths about strength training for women deconstructed. So if you want to look lean, toned and fabulous, do the right strength training exercises along with the proper weight loss diet.
Want to learn tips and tricks about exercises and the right diet to burn fat and lose weight? Download The Fat Burning Furnace. It's a guide that's loaded with lots of valuable information for the most efficient workouts and diet plans to make you look healthy and amazing!

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