Lose Weight With Exercises - Fat Burning and Cardio Workouts at the Same Time

When it comes to exercises, fat burning cardio exercise is the type of exercise that most people think of when using the treadmill, stair climber or the elliptical machine. Most trainers will set up a routine for you using these when you begin at the gym. The recommendation is to work on these machines for at least 30 minutes three times a week to raise the heart rate, which is meant to help you lose weight. However, is this really that effective, perhaps not?
There are a number of methods of losing weight and burning fat, some that are more effective than others, and here is one that works very well and saves you time as well.
The problem with the accepted methods are that they can take a lot of time and that if you are not continually challenging your body it gets to level off and stops making any further progress. This can be a disincentive and cause you to skip sessions, and the jarring effect of jogging can have long-term effects on your joints.
There is a solution to this problem. You can get a better fat burning exercise and cardio workout by using interval training two or three days a week, than slogging away on a treadmill 30 minutes several times a week.
What is interval training? It is a simple workout where you do some weight training to build muscle and burn fat. If you are a woman and you are worried that you will become too bulked up then do not be concerned.
 Your muscles are different to men's and you do not even have the same number of muscles as men do and it will not happen. (There is one exception and that is if you took steroids and worked out full time.) However, it will help you shape and tone your body and give you a healthy sexy look.
It is a proven fact that having more muscle increases your metabolic rate, which means that even when you are sitting around doing nothing you are burning fat. The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn.
When you do resistance exercises with slow controlled movements, you are making your muscles work to the point of not being able to sustain the movement for more than one set. If the break you take between sets is equal to or less than 30 seconds only, then you will get a great cardio workout at the same time. This is how you can cut down on the time taken in each session.
To make the most of each workout you need to use the best type of workout for the area you are targeting and to practice the action correctly. Make sure that each repetition takes at least 5-7 seconds so that your slow, controlled movement maximizes the "burn" and this means that one set will be enough. The trick here is that as you concentrate on each movement and you do are doing all the work, momentum does not provide any assistance to the exercise.
By doing your workout this way you will be able to cover your whole body, as it will not take as long to do as the "conventional" methods. In addition, you will be getting a great cardio exercise at the same time.
Beware of the older accepted methods for exercising to tone your body. They also increase your physical wear and tear, and take up more time. When it comes to exercises, fat burning workouts that save time and give you an excellent cardio workout simultaneously, will ultimately give you a better, healthier result.
For more exercises, fat burning and toning workouts, click through now to start losing weight effectively, and learn how to keep it off!
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- Wishing you health and success - Jo Baker

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