Help Needed: Step Out and Show the Way

The learning process is 640 days old today.
In August of 2014, I was on a mission. My head was teeming with fitness knowledge and skills ready to be unleashed. I now had a long-sought platform in which to touch lives everyday. My stage was real. At last, the doors would be swinging wildly open, as a new, fresh canvas walked in, waiting for my artistry to create a new picture. Here was my stage: an 1,100 square foot kickboxing fitness center.
All the studying, learning, and embracing the concepts of a personal trainer were going to be unleashed. There was no stopping me now.
Our kickboxing fitness center was open for business. Little did I know, my learning process was simply starting over. Business wasn't as I envisioned. It was work. Hours on end, 16+ hour days spent reaching anyone who would listen to my monologue. Despite the program being offered and catering to my preferred audience of customers... I quickly learned the truth that jolted me. Despite the program, no matter how beneficial, enjoyable, and effective a workout program might be... people DON"T WANT TO EXERCISE. Why?
For months I was baffled. I couldn't pinpoint it. What wasn't working? Where were we going wrong? Maybe pandering was necessary? There had to be an answer to why people were walking away from the program, from me, and most importantly, themselves.
Why wasn't I changing their lives? There was no reason why I couldn't change the world at this point, so I thought.
The textbooks wouldn't answer this question. I was taught how to teach the perfect push up; the prime mover of a lateral lunge; heck, I even was taught that Jane's mitochondria "generate the energy that our cells need to do their jobs; The energy made by the mitochondria is in the form of a chemical called adenosine triphosphate or ATP for short." (Newcastle University)
All that sounds lavish, but what good does that knowledge do if Jane is absent for her workout?
The reasons for missing a workout, missing months of workouts, or cancelling a membership are endless... and unnecessary. It was evident; the amazing fitness program nor the energetic and enthusiastic trainer waiting in the wings were going to perpetuate consistent adherence to physical fitness.
Life happens. Priorities are assigned. We base those priorities off our knowledge, our experience, and society mandates. We haven't learned any other way. Our jobs, families, and our friends consistently battle for our attention and time. So much, we fail to pay attention to ourselves. We become sluggish, stuck in a rut. Sleep deprived, stress inundated, and overworked, we struggle to walk in our door at the end of the day, much less have time to take care of ourselves.
Seems impossible to find time to doing something physical, doesn't it? Reprioritizing yourself over the other items on your list isn't in the realm of possibilities, right?
Don't worry. You are not alone. It is reflected across our beautiful nation. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2013-2014, 70.7% off all adults twenty years of age and older were considered OVERWEIGHT or OBESE.
Seem implausible considering we are well bombarded by personal trainers within the walls of the fitness centers. According the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2014 there were 279,100 personal trainers in the United States. This includes those who may hold a certification, but as an unregulated industry, that number is likely very low. Where is all this information falling through that cracks and not getting to the people?
Let's look outside the fitness centers. Let's look at life as it happens. As America continues to get wider, weaker, and unhealthier, it is evident that what we are doing now is not working. Let's get a handle on the situation and look into WHY this is happening, now that we are very well aware of WHAT is happening. The solution doesn't lie within the fitness centers of the world, but has made its home outside those walls... in what we call life.
Let's provide guidance, help, knowledge, and motivation to the world. Let's expand the knowledge of HOW and WHY, now that the WHAT has been crammed down our throats for decades on end with no beneficial impact on the problem at hand.
In the competition of responsibilities in life, we tend to forget about what is most important to our health... us. In a world of confusion and chaos, it can be a lonely journey to optimize your health journey. We can do it together and persevere.
Next Step...
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