The Number 1 Fat Loss Mistake And How To Overcome It

There are many "fat loss mistakes" out there that people can make, but I wanted to talk about the BIGGEST one I see people make in their fat loss journey.
You ready?
Here it is...
The fear of low-calorie days.
Yup, scary stuff huh?
People have this ingrained fear perpetuated by society that going low in calories will bring their metabolism to a screeching halt and they'll enter 'starvation mode'.
This has completely been blown out of proportion.
Here's the thing...
If you want to go out on the weekends and party with friends or socialize...
And possibly have a few drinks, beers, etc.
Then you are going to have to balance out those high calorie days with low-calorie days.
How low can you go?
I'll take my goal bodyweight and multiply it by 10-11 to get how many calories per day. Let's say my goal bodyweight is 170. This means I'll average eating 1700-1900 calories (170 * 10 = 1700, 170 * 11 = 1870 so I round to 1900).
Some days I'll have a 1,000 calorie day.
Yup, just 1000 calories for that day.
I'll do that by fasting for a full 24 hours and eating a dinner.
You could also split up into two meals if you want.
In fact, this is pretty much how I just ate this past week.
I ate just 1000 calories a few days ago...
Because I expected to pound down at least 3,000 to 4,000 calories on Saturday for a sporting event with a bunch of friends, specifically a UFC fight night.
One of my buddies invited me to his theatre style 'man-cave' where we partook in heavily buttered popcorn, wings, In-N-Out burgers and fries, potato chips, and even some alcohol.
It was a great time!
So no, it's not "dangerous" to throw in a few low-calories per week.
In fact, incorporating low-calorie days in your diet is the ONLY WAY to consistently achieve the required calorie deficit for fat loss if you have a couple higher calorie days in a week.
Wrapping It Up
I just wanted to make it clear that it is totally okay to eat low-calorie every now and then.
A lot of fitness trainers shy away from telling people they can eat 1,000 calories and even as low as 600-800 calories every now and then.
Because they don't want people taking it to an extreme and eating 600-1000 calories every day.
Just to be clear:
600-1000 calorie days are totally OKAY... ONLY if you don't average 600-1000 calories every day. Super low-calorie days are tools to balance out higher calorie eating.
I personally like to accomplish this with intermittent fasting, as it makes leaning out near effortless and enjoyable.
Do what works for you.
Until next time.

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