Body Mass Index and the GM Diet

The human body is like most lazy things are... resistant to change. The body has its own processes due to which, it seems clear that it only takes corrective measures to solve any problems, but never drastic ones. That's the where the actual human mind or conscience comes into play. The human will is the counterpoint to its own stubbornness. To affect any measurable change, a great deal of effort is required to establish a routine that affects a long-term impact on our overall health.
The Body Mass Index is one of the measures of the body's current state with regards the current weight, height, and gender are taken into account. This index gives you a good starting point in assessing your current state and working accordingly.
The Body Mass Index basically indicates four states. These are, underweight, normal, overweight and obese. Your weight is directly relatable on the Index. For instance, some guy who is 5 and a half feet tall should weigh around 69 kilograms to be considered to be midway on the Index i.e. the index value would be around 22. This would be considered ideal.
On the lower end of the Index, values approaching 19 indicate the concerned person is underweight. Index values around 25 are an indication of the concern being overweight. Anything beyond 25 is considered obese.
If we put these values in perspective with any diet plan, we can surely arrive at the conclusion that there are clearly different needs identified by the Body Mass Index Values. Those who are underweight should consider a diet plan focussed on weight gain to bring them to normal levels before they start bulking up in the gym.
For those who are in the ideal zone, need not be on any specific diet plan, they need to continue leading a lifestyle to maintain these levels. This lot should carry on their active lifestyle and maintain their levels.
This lot of people, on the edge of the scale, at around 25 should start thinking about making serious changes to their lifestyles. At this point, this lot of people is at least 20 kilograms or 35-40 pounds off their ideal weight range. These folks are ideal candidates for taking up the GM Diet plan. This diet plan is a short week-long plan, which provides a boost to the body's metabolism and aids in losing up to 7 kilograms or up to 14 pounds. Along with regular exercise and healthy eating habits over a period of time (say 6 months) you should reach your weight goals. Take the precaution of only taking up the GM diet only once a month.

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