Quickly Lose Weight With the GM Diet

Like any good article, let's start with laying the foundation. If you are reading this article, it is fair to assume that you want information on some plan that will help you lose weight. Congratulations, hopefully, once you are through this article, you will have a plan.
The General Motors diet is a fast and efficient plan to lose the excess pounds. Let us cover a few basics about the plan. First, the GM diet plan is only a week- long plan. Second, the plan does not require the dieter to starve them at any time. Third, the food items you are required to consume are mostly raw or boiled, with the exceptions of the protein in the diet plan. Finally, during the week-long plan, the dieter consumes a fully balanced diet with appropriate amounts of all the important nutrients you read about in school.
You can follow the plan as it is listed for each day (with respect to the food items).
  • Day 1 - On the first day, only fruits are allowed. You can consume any fruits besides bananas.
  • Day 2 - The second day focuses on the vegetables. All vegetables are allowed with the exception of the tomatoes.
  • Day 3 - Eat all the fruits and vegetables you can eat with exceptions of tomatoes and bananas. Have just potato to start your day off to make things easier.
  • Day 4 - You can eat up to 5 bananas during the day along with about a 4-5 glasses of milk. Spread them out through the day to avoid unexpected hunger spells.
  • Day 5 - Beef/chicken with 5 tomatoes.
  • Day 6 - Beef/chicken with as many vegetables you want with the exception of tomatoes, just like day 2.
  • Day 7 - On the final day, you can have 2 cups of rice (brown or white) and as many fruits and vegetables as per day 1 and day 2. You can even have a glass of fresh fruit juice.
You must take certain precautions to ensure that the diet goes through successfully. Firstly, prepare yourself by knowing when and how your next meal going to be prepared. Secondly, have lots of water during the GM diet. Especially on day 5 and day 6. Finally, if you exercise, don't stop but rather reduce the effort to be safe.
The way to sustain the weight loss from the GM diet plan is to change your lifestyle. No permanent change ever happens in a week. Best of luck

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