GM Diet - Side Effects and Challenges

We have all heard of the universal law of Issac Newton, 'every action has an equal and opposing reaction'. Although his source of inspiration for this law may have stemmed from his curiosity of the physical world and how it works, it truly is insight for the ages, seeing as it is applicable universally. Even the life processes in the human body adhere to this principle in their own way, of course.
The human body appears to have evolved to resist change while carrying us through life with as much safety as possible. To understand how exactly, the body resists change, let's start with looking at diseases. There are many harmful single-celled organisms, which we have evolved over time. But there are still many we fall victim to. When we do, it appears that the body responds by countering the changes introduced by these organisms in the body.
Similar to the responses the body generates to microbial infections, the responses to the physical changes in the environment tend to be more obvious immediately. These can be seen with changes in the diet or physical efforts. Feeling light headed, sore muscles, unexpected hunger spells, cramps, dehydration to name a few. Keeping the above changes in mind, let's explore the effects of the GM diet over the course of the week the diet is supposed to last.
To start with, the GM diet only proposes consumption of raw foods mostly. This means a drastic change in the way the body has been processing the food prior to this period. On the first day, the dieter only consumes raw fruits, This is repeated on the second day with vegetables and on the third day with fruits & vegetables. During these three days, the body is already trying to cope with dramatic change in the diet. The dieter might feel light headed and dizzy at times during the day. It is also not uncommon to crave salt during this time. you may not feel thirsty as you are consuming a lot of fruits, but to counter these symptoms you must keep yourself hydrated appropriately.
Starting on the fourth day through to the sixth day, the body only consumes fixed portions of meals. Given the pattern from the first three, where you consume as many fruits or vegetables you want, the body's metabolism has increased somewhat and it is gaining its appetite back again. You should feel better by the last day when you can again eat as many fruits and vegetables you want before closing the diet. So stay hydrated and exercise with caution.

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